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AASHTO – The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan association that represents state departments of transportation in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The association represents all modes of transportation, and its primary goal is to foster the development, operation, and maintenance of an integrated national transportation system.



AASHTO Publications

AASHTO publishes numerous technical standards and guidelines through the work of the association’s committees, whose members are comprised of state DOT representatives – the nation’s preeminent transportation experts. These publications cover a broad spectrum of transportation-related categories, including bridges and structures; design and traffic; maintenance; construction and right-of-way; administration and economics; planning and environment; rail and highway transportation; joint task force publications; and numerous general and public policy reports. AASHTO technical standards and guidelines are used by transportation agencies worldwide in the design, construction, maintenance, operation, and administration of highways, bridges, and other transportation facilities. For more information about AASHTO publications, visit the AASHTO Bookstore online at  https://bookstore.transportation.org, or download a copy of our current Publications Catalog.

TC3 Online Training

Through its TC3 technical service program, AASHTO offers online training and other resources for the nation’s transportation technical workforce in the areas of construction, maintenance, and materials. With a current library of over 100 training courses, TC3 is a resource designed to assist states, local governments, and industry – nationally and internationally – in saving money at a critical time of infrastructure investment, through course development, web-based trainings, information, and resource sharing, at a substantially reduced cost. For more information about TC3 training and to browse courses, visit https://tc3.transportation.org.

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