INNOVATION IN MOTION For over 20 years, DTS has been known for small, embedded data acquisition systems capable of high speed sampling rates that are shockworthy to withstand high impact test environments. Systems feature scalable channel and system configurations and intuitive, easy-to-use software that makes set-up and data analysis simple. And DTS backs it all with worldwide sales and technical support teams. CAPABILITIES Specialized engineering capabilities allow DTS to be a company focused on customer-driven requirements. One of the results is that DTS has sold over 70,000 DAS channels worldwide! Since inception, DTS's new product solutions have emerged through working with customers in their environments. The company has also actively pursued technology development opportunities funded through government R&D contracts and partnerships with other companies. As a result, DTS products are predictably at the cutting edge of performance and size. Our passion for this business has made DTS a true pioneer in the testing community. ABOUT DIVERSIFIED TECHNICAL SYSTEMS Over 20 years later, DTS is still passionate about providing customers with product solutions that ensure test accuracy and productivity. Today the roster of customers includes many Fortune 500 industry leaders from a variety of industries. DTS has also been recognized with several industry awards for best new product for an unprecedented three years in a row.