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No one knows better than you the complex and dynamic nature of today's broadcast transmission facilities. Which means you have enough to worry about without sweating the details of your transmission line system. That's why MYAT gives you more than simply hardware. Our applications engineers and designers apply years of experience and innovative thinking to your unique requirements. And because this is our only business, we're specialists in providing exceptional rigid transmission line systems and components. So instead of simply helping you fill out an order form, we'll study your situation and recommend a cost-effective, reliable solution you can live with for years.

The MYAT manufacturing process begins with careful materials selection. We use only the purest copper and silver. Designers work with the latest generation CAD/CAM software and most advanced machining equipment to insure precise results. Then every rigid line section and component is thoroughly inspected and tested before it's released for shipment. This high level of quality assurance is recognized by RF design engineers of the U.S. Navy who specify MYAT components for their most advanced airborne radar systems.

Performance is the final arbiter of product quality. Which, in broadcasting, is measured by uninterrupted airtime. That's why MYAT designs and builds durability and reliability into every inch of every product we make. For example, in a MYAT expansion line we use the highest quality silver plated beryllium copper contact springs. Why? Because they minimize friction in expansion connectors to maximize line life.

In the same way, we use heavy wall outer conductors and Teflon® inner supports to help miter elbows resist the deformation typically caused by line expansion and contraction. And locked Teflon cross pins preserve concentricity, eliminate sagging in line sections, and deliver higher velocity with lower loss than disc supports.

No one can match MYAT's responsiveness. Nearly every item we make is kept in stock. And sophisticated control systems keep our inventory perpetually up to date. Frankly, we don't know anyone else in our industry that can make that claim. As a result orders for large projects are shipped quickly and completely. So there are no unpleasant — and expensive — surprises at the job site. And when emergencies strike we can ship virtually any part you need immediately, so you're back on the air as quickly as possible.

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