RETSCH is active worldwide in the fields of homogenizing laboratory samples for analysis as well as particle size analysis of solid substances. On the basis of more than 90 years' experience they have developed into the leading instrument manufacturer in these technologies.
From the preparation of a representative sample in compliance with relative standards, the contamination-free comminution process to exact and reproducible sieve analyses – RETSCH instruments are essential tools for preparing samples for laboratory analysis. They stand for reliability, precision and durability.
Retsch Inc. as subsidiary with its headquarters in Newtown, Pennsylvania services the United States and Canada.
With their comprehensive network of subsidiaries and agencies RETSCH is available at any time throughout the world.
► Milling
Preparation of solid samples for analysis for optimized quality control and research. Mills & Jaw Crushers
Reproducible sieve analysis for high standards in quality control. Sieve Shakers & Sieves
Optimized working procedures by increased efficiency. Sample Divider, Dryer, Pellet Press