Drawing on talent and expertise from around the globe, we are a company of individuals that celebrate diversity, and cultivate a culture of mindfulness towards each other and our planet. We are keenly focused on minimizing adverse environmental impact as we develop our industrial adhesives, sealants and coatings. This ideal stems from a simple story first told by our founder, Mr. Osamu Ukumori, just over 60 years ago.
On a warm summer day in Tokyo, he observed a small black glittering spot in the road, where a car had just been stopped moments before. It was a mixture of oil and water that had leaked from underneath the vehicle and made a slick shiny area on the asphalt. Throughout the first decade after World War II, Mr. Ukomori was painfully aware of Japan's precious and limited natural resources. He was even conscious of the safety hazards such slick spots might cause to others. And then there was the issue of helping to rebuild a new Japan, making a contribution that was bigger than his own needs and personal interests, and would serve his country.
On that day Mr. Ukumori had an idea that drove his dream to create a company that could significantly impact Japan's economy-developing products to eliminate leakage or any waste of our natural resources. Over time, this value would spread to the global economy via world-wide manufacturers using our products in diverse applications to enhance living, improve safety and drive production cost efficiencies.
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