"To build a prosperous society." This is our philosophy here at Tokusen Kogyo.
To guarantee flawless quality in a safe, legal work environment. It seems trivial, but we understand the importance of maintaining this position every day while we meet the ever increasingly sophisticated needs of our customers. Using our unique technology, we offer solutions that are both cutting-edge and ideal to make people's lives more fruitful. This is where Tokusen Kogyo's purpose and objective lie.
Ever since our founding in 1934, utilizing the skills and technology gained over 80 years and our infinite potential as a material manufacturer, we have earned high praise from our customers over a wide range of areas, from wires used in tires and engine parts, to medical, semiconductor, home electronics, solar power and more.
We hope to continue to develop broad innovation, diversity, and globalization to use our company's core technology to create new trust, reliance, and revolutions. We would like to thank you for you continued support into the future.
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