Featured Videos
Check out this short video on our available products. We design, manufacture and sell gas flow instrumentation, specializing in customizing our units to fit the needs of our customers
Welcome to Environics! Take a look inside of our headquarters in Tolland, CT, USA.
The F-16 Fighting falcon takes flight with only one crewmember. If a critical component such as the oxygen system were to fail, the lone pilot would need to know the corrective actions to take during this emergency. The Reduced Oxygen Breathing Device gives pilots the chance to learn how to survive inadequate oxygen supply while flying.
The EnvironicsĀ® Series Reduced Oxygen Breathing Device simulates altitude exposure and can be utilized for both research and training purposes. Reduced Oxygen Breathing Device | Manufacturer | Supplier (
NOW AVAILABLE! In addition to hypoxia training, the ROBD "Hot Key" feature allows you to simulate a failure in back up emergency oxygen. This is available for all existing and new ROBD. Contact us today for more information!
As part of our ISO 9001:2015 certification, we have a documented quality policy which outlines the items of importance for Environics: our customers, employees, vendors and shareholders.
Download our ISO Certificate here:
This video will walk you through how to replace the Environics Series 7000 Zero Air Generator medias. These are the two for scrubbers, which require routine replacement. as well as the dryer, which is replaced only if compromised.
This video will walk you through how to replace the Environics Series 7000 Zero Air Generator filters. These are the fan filter, air intake filter, final filter and coalescing filter.
Watch a brief overview of what routine maintenance is recommended for the Environics ZAG (Series 7000).
This video will show you how to use our gas library to add cylinders to your cylinder library and how to edit existing cylinders.
To begin your cylinder library, you do not have to have the unit on hand. Just the operating software! That''s it. Well, a cup of coffee or tea might be nice!
Unlike the Concentration and Flow modes, Purge mode is only an option if your unit is configured with the Purge option. This option plumbs the unit so that the unit can be flushed with a purge gas by connecting to a designated Purge Port and running a Purge Mode.
This video will show you how to determine in the software if you have this feature, and if so how to use it.
For assistance or to get more information on adding the Purge option to your unit:
Call us at 860-872-1111
Email us at
Or contact us at https://www.environi
Watch a brief overview of troubleshooting steps for flow related issues with your Environics Series 4000/4020/4040.
Watch a brief overview of troubleshooting steps for if your computer has issues communicating with your Environics Series 4000/4020/4040.
Does the terminology in gas mixing, diluting and calibration leave you confused? Wondering how to determine which Environics model might be right for you? Curious why we ask the questions we do when designing your unit? Check out this quick overview!
Follow these easy steps to keep your Environics unit running smoothly
Learn more about the hypoxia familiarization training device, the ROBD2 and ROBD3. The Reduced Oxygen Breathing Device has been in use by all branches of the US military as well as by many allies and non-military partners as the standard for nomobaric hypoxia training for over 15 years.