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-Types of Baghouse Filters
- Baghouse Filter Materials
- The Benefits of Baghouse Filters
- The Air-to-Cloth Ratio
- Industry and Regulatory Standards
- Maintenance of Baghouse Filters
More details here: https://shop.griffin
Griffin''s engineering Special capabilities include Corrosive and toxic environments. High temperatures to 1650 degrees, Flammable materials, Food grade finishes, Ultra fine dusts, Explosion potential, ASME certified vessels, and Large multi-module pulse jet baghouses.
A primary source of such risks lies within unprotected dust collection systems. These explosions can cause serious damage and injuries, projecting heat, flames, and debris. To safeguard against this, ensure your dust collector is armed with a robust explosion protection system.
Industrial Silo Filter Vents are used to vent silos into which material is conveyed. As the material fills the silo, it displaces air, which must be vented without loss of product. Product collected on the filter bags is returned to the silo by shaking the bags after filling has been completed. Silo Filter Vents are available in two series: Natural Vented, where a low positive silo pressure is acceptable. Blower Assisted, where a negative silo pressure is desirable. A Continuous Duty Vent (72-CS) is also available to provide continuous filtration through two individual compartments, one in the collecting mode while the other is being cleaned. All options are electric, so no air supply is required.
More detailed information on Dust Collection Bags can be found here: https://shop.griffin
High Efficiency Bags at Low Prices Long Life Bags