Hydraulic and Portland Cement Suppliers
(132 Suppliers)Find 132 Hydraulic and Portland Cement suppliers with GlobalSpec. Our catalog includes 105,792 manufacturers, 20,774 distributors and 94,461 service providers. The GlobalSpec database includes 62,258 manufacturers and 16,045 distributors headquartered in the United States. Our international database contains 43,534 manufacturers and 4,729 distributors headquartered throughout the rest of the world.
Pocono Fabricators is the developer, manufacturer and supplier of Pre-Krete® products. Pre-Krete® has been providing protection to steel and concrete substrates from the corrosive and abrasive effects of harsh environments for over 50 years. Chemically resistant to alkaline and acidic... View more
Manufacturer, Service Provider
Headquarters: Cleveland, OH
A complete line of products. Market expertise. On-time distribution. What else would you expect from a world leader in protective coatings and linings? Sherwin-Williams is a global protective and marine coatings company that delivers smarter asset protection and unmatched service and... View more

High Temperature Refractory Composites and Related Products for use as Thermal, Electrical and Structural Insulation. ZIRCAR Refractory Composites, Inc. produces a comprehensive line of advanced high performance ceramic-ceramic composite materials and related products. Their... View more
Holcim (US) Inc., headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, is one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of cement and mineral components in the United States. In addition to portland cements, Holcim offers an extensive line of cements and related construction materials, including... View more