Products/Services for Foam Insulated Log Siding

  • Siding and Exterior Wall Coverings-Image
    Siding and Exterior Wall Coverings - (283 companies)
    Siding is used to cover the exterior of a building for protective and decorative purposes. These building products are made of a variety of materials. Choices include aluminum, brick, cedar, composite or engineering materials, fiber cement, steel...
    Fire Resistance
    Foam Insulation - (93 companies)
    Foam insulation or thermal insulating foams are low density elastomers or polymers, which provide a thermal barrier between components and a heat or cold source. Foam insulation is typically a low-density elastomer or polymer in the form...
    Foam Tapes - (90 companies)
    Foam tapes have a foam carrier, which can provide conformability and cushioning features. Foam tapes are used for a variety of applications including but not limited to: gasketing, bonding, sealing, weatherstripping, acoustical (sound isolation...
    Structural Insulated Panels (SIP) - (119 companies)
    Structural insulated panels (SIPs) consist of a foam core sandwiched between wood based (OSB, plywood) or fiber cement boards. Structural insulated panels (SIP) are composite building materials, which are comprised of two layers of structural board...
  • Foams and Foam Materials-Image
    Foams and Foam Materials - (570 companies)
    Foams and foam materials are industrial products made from low density elastomers, plastics and other materials with various structures and porosities. Foams and foam materials are made from low density elastomers, plastics, and other materials...
    Speed Logs - (27 companies)
    Speed logs measure the transit speed of vessels. Speed logs, also known as ship logs, chip logs, or common logs, measure the speed of a vessel. The speed is determined with reference to water flowing by the hull (water reference speed...
    Retaining Walls - (90 companies)
    Retaining walls are used to retain earth, prevent erosion, and create level surfaces in sloping areas.
    Thermal Insulating Tapes - (70 companies)
    Thermal insulating tapes consist of a porous foam or cloth backing, which provides a thermal barrier around or between components. Thermal insulating tapes consist of porous foam or cloth backing materials, which provide a thermal barrier around...
    Foam Bonding Tapes - (86 companies)
    Foam bonding tapes are specialized tapes designed for adhesive joining of foam materials. Foam bonding tapes are designed for the adhesive joining of foam materials. They use adhesives that are formulated for specific types of foams and substrates...
    Foam Cores - (44 companies)
    Foam cores and foam core materials are low density, high porosity materials used between structural skins to form a cored laminate with increased stiffness. Industrial foams consist of low density elastomers, plastics, or other materials...

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    The Faraday cage was a vibration-isolated basement room surrounded on all sides , including floor and ceiling … Our potted Ficus was placed on insulating foam and all equipment was properly grounded. … using platinum electrodes connected to a high input impedance (Z.10 GV) data- logging multimeter (Keithley 2000 …
  • Evidence for freeze–thaw events and their implications for rock weathering in northern Canada: II. The temperature at which water freezes in rock
    Thermistors were inserted into holes drilled from the back (i.e. the non-exposed side ) of the bricks (one sensor per brick) and then each … … all but the exposed face with a thick coating of insulation foam to ensure uni-directional … … early 2003, cleaned, re-insulated and re-installed again in October 2003, with logging of data beginning …
  • WNGlosses (\
    … cask_N|12 campsite_N|2 trough_N|6 hazard_N|7 golf_course_N|9 laser-guided_bomb_N|2 underground_N|8 gas_burner_N|5 belted_J|1 raincoat_N|3 gabardine_N|2 titration_N|6 warning_device_N|2 trip_V|3 heap_N|8 tomb_N|14 veil_V|1 pakistan_N|54 jute_N|8 hooded_cloak_N|3 automatic_pistol_N|2 workpiece_N|7 rotary_J|6 variant_N|7 public_transport_N|5 unreliable_J|5 bushel_N|4 insulate _V|15 liner_N|6 patch_pocket_N|1 suit_of_clothes_N|1 … … propelled_J|1 signaling_device_N|1 capacitor_N|7 impedance_N|1 side _road_N|2 two-wheeled_J|12 locomotive_J|21 … … dishware_N|5 collapsible_J|4 lantern_N|2 ingenious_J|6 puzzle_N|8 average_N|19 chino_N|1 elaborately_R|7 violinist_N|12 crystal_N|80 silicon_N|9 semiconductor_N|18 integrated_circuit_N|3 log _line_N|1 cattle_trail_N|1 abilene_N|1 … … weed_N|122 totally_R|21 drain_N|10 sash_N|7 tuxedo_N|3 green_N|12 sidewalk_N|6 roadway_N|12 curbstone_N|1 scoop_N|5 home_appliance_N|8 curry_V|6 padding_N|8 foam _rubber_N|1 hovercraft_N|2 gothic_arch_N|2 …
  • Federal Register > Wednesday, August 14, 2002 > [67 FR 52918] National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List
    -Including a geomembrane cover system consisting of a four-inch foam insulation layer, 40 mil liner, geonet drainage layer, filter fabric and three feet of clean soil over the landfill; -Creation of a flood protection barrier on three sides of the landfill; This system incorporates native vegetation and artificial logs to secure the stream bank and provide habitat.
    At both sites, measurements were made every 60 seconds and averages were logged every 30 min. (NAT … They were inserted radially into the northern side of the stem where the upper probe was heated … The installations were protected from water intrusion by silicon paste, a plastic cover and insulating foam and from heating by direct sunlight by reflective blankets/aluminium foil.