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Eliminating Live Steam Losses

Featured Product from ThermOmegaTech®

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During cold months, fluid-carrying or temperature sensitive piping must be winterized to keep industrial processes functioning. For facilities that already have systems that use steam, redirecting some of it to heat trace piping during the winter months seems like a simple solution.

While an effective method for preventing potential freeze damage, conventional steam traps often result in expensive live steam losses and temperature variations on piping, which may effect the processes that they supply.

When used as a steam trap on steam tracing, the HAT and TV/HAT valves eliminate these often costly issues.   The HAT and TV/HAT only drain condensate, eliminating live steam losses and generating significant cost savings over the freeze season. Installed on each tubing run, these valves keep the entire traced piping at the same temperature, a necessity for temperature sensitive applications and equipment.

As the steam in the tracing cools to condensate and its temperature falls to the valve's set-point, the valve modulates open, drains the condensate, and automatically closes once the discharge temperature has risen.

Offered in a wide range of set-points, these valves employ a reliable actuator and a corrosion resistant stainless steel body, guaranteed to ensure a long service life. 

Protecting your piping during the winter with steam tracing shouldn't empty your pockets - implement the HAT or TV/HAT for reliable and efficient steam control.

Learn more by visiting our website or e mail your inquiries via the links on this page