Products/Services for Aluminum Extrusion Docks

    Piers and Docks - (38 companies) categorized into different groups including: sectional docks roll-in docks floating docks floating-boat docks aluminum docks steel docks Other types of unlisted piers and docks may also be available. Applications Depending...
  • Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys-Image
    Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys - (750 companies)
    How to Select Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys. Aluminum and aluminum alloys are lightweight, non-ferrous metals with good corrosion resistance, ductility, and strength. Products differ in terms of composition, grade, shape, dimensions, and features...
  • Cabinets and Casework-Image
    Cabinets and Casework - (797 companies)
    Cabinets and casework includes cabinets and casework for various uses and applications. They are made of wood, plastic, steel, aluminum or composite materials. How to Select Cabinets and Casework. Cabinets and casework are storage units and storage...
  • Aluminum Extrusion Services-Image
    Aluminum Extrusion Services - (203 companies)
    Aluminum extrusion services providers specialize in extruding aluminum and aluminum alloys into custom and standard profiles and shapes. How to Select Aluminum Extrusion Services. Image Credit: Kurt Manufacturing; Momentum Industries, LLC. Aluminum...
  • Dock Equipment-Image
    Dock Equipment - (412 companies)
    ...the truck and the dock. Typically, dock boards are flat and made of heavy-duty aluminum or wood. Other materials can be used, but durability and moving weight are issues must be considered. Dock boards may also being referred to as dock platforms or dock...
    Extrusion Services - (859 companies)
    Extrusion services manufacture metals or alloys into bars, rods, angles, channels, tees, or other profile shapes through a process called extrusion. Examples of the metals and alloys that can be extruded are lead, tin, aluminum, copper, titanium...
    Metal Extrusions - (140 companies)
    Metal extrusions are metals or alloys that are extruded into bars, rods, angles, channels, tees, or other profile shapes. Examples of the metals and alloys that can be extruded are lead, tin, aluminum, copper, titanium, zinc, and steel. How...
    Extrusion Machines - (335 companies)
    To Miter Cut Aluminum Extrusions?. CR4 Community --Aluminum Extrusion. Engineering360 --Automatically Adjusting a Horizontal Extrusion Die. Engineering360 --New Techniques Could Remove Barriers to 3-D Printing. Image credit: Swoolverton / CC BY-SA 3.0...
    Dock Lifts - (107 companies)
    Dock lifts are platforms used to raise and lower material, personnel and workpieces for loading and positioning. Dock lifts (docklifts) are work platforms used to raise and lower material, personnel and workpieces for loading and positioning...
    Impact Extrusion Services - (21 companies)
    ...impact extrusion services often use relatively soft metals such as aluminum, lead or tin. Applications include the production of collapsible tubular sections or cans. Long extrusions with a constant cross-section have a high strength-to-weight ratio...

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