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Products/Services for Dry Film Vacuum Laminators

  • Laminators and Laminating Machines-Image
    Laminators and Laminating Machines - (263 companies)
    ...and even printed circuit boards (PCBs). A dry film laminator applies a thin film of dry photoresist film to the PCB or may apply dry film to brass or steel for metal etching applications. Other film laminating devices are also available. Applications...
  • Vacuum Cleaners-Image
    Vacuum Cleaners - (320 companies)
    ...and solid particulate matter (dry). It is critical to ensure that the selected vacuum can effectively collect the system media because using an improper vacuum can cause serious equipment and facility damage. Some devices can be used with abrasives...
  • Vacuum Chambers and Components-Image
    Vacuum Chambers and Components - (140 companies)
    Vacuum chambers and components are specialized vessels that can maintain a high vacuum process environment for manufacturing thin films, microelectronics, optics and materials. Vacuum chambers and components are specialized vessels that can maintain...
    Wipes and Wipers - (219 companies)
    Wipes and wipers include wet, dry, and biocide-saturated microfiber cloth, paper, foam, and nonwoven sheets for medical, fiber optic, laboratory, electronic, and other critical cleaning applications. Dry wipes and dry wipers do not contain any wet...
  • Mold Releases and Release Agents-Image
    Mold Releases and Release Agents - (257 companies)
    Mold releases and release agents are film forming lubricating oils, solid lubricants, waxes, fluids or coatings that prevent other materials from sticking or adhering to an underlying surface. Mold releases and release agents are film...
    Industrial Coatings - (1699 companies)
    Industrial coatings are thin films deposited upon materials to add or enhance desired properties, such as color, conductivity, corrosion resistance, etc. Industrial coatings are thin films deposited on materials to add or enhance specific properties...
    Fiberglass Fabrication Services - (141 companies)
    The sheets are pressed into final form by heated molds. Tooling and piece part prices tend to be high. Vacuum bag molding is a process in which a sheet of flexible transparent material (bag), bleeder cloth, and release film are placed over the lay-up...
    Process Dryers - (599 companies)
    ...tray. A series of plows wipes the material off the trays and drops the material onto the next tray. Hot air is circulated up through the unit to dry the material. Vacuum dryers use an applied vacuum to accelerate drying. Vacuums can alter vapor...
    Solid and Dry Film Lubricants - (189 companies)
    Solid and dry film lubricants form a dry layer or coating that excludes moisture and reduces friction, binding, and wear. They often contain additives such as corrosion, oxidation, and rust inhibitors. Extra pressure (EP) additives include...
    Form, Fill, and Seal Machines - (442 companies)
    Form, fill and seal machines are packaging equipment that uses flexible, heat-sealable, plastic film to form packages that can be filled with a product and then sealed, and cut. Form, fill, and seal machines are packaging equipment that use flexible...

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