Supplier: Profile Plastics, Inc.
Description: From the initial idea to the final product, Profile Plastics helps your plastic extrusions take shape. Engineering, Tooling & Design Engineering & CAD Design Support Complete In-house Tooling Capabilities Integrated Fabrication Capabilities
- Applications: Custom Profiles / Cross Sections, Gaskets / Seals, Pipe, Rod / Wire, Tubing / Hose
- Materials: ABS, Acrylic, Butyrate, Polycarbonate, Polyethylene (PE, HDPE), PETG, Polypropylene (PP), Polystyrene, PPE/PPO, Polyurethane / Urethane, PVC, TPV/TPE/TPO, Other
- Processes: Co-Extrusion, Cross Head Extrusion, Dual Extrusion, Hot Extrusion
- Regional Preference: North America, United States Only, Northeast US Only, Midwest US Only
Supplier: Argos Corporation
Description: Custom Thermoplastic Extrusion Services. Argos Corproation specializes in the extrusion of plastic tubing, from sizes below 0.5 mm diameter, up to 2" or more depending on the material. When it's not plastic tubing that you're looking for, Argos Corporation also has the ability to extrude
- Applications: Custom Profiles / Cross Sections, Pipe, Rod / Wire, Tubing / Hose, Other
- Materials: ABS, Acrylic, Butyrate, Nylon / Polyamide, Polycarbonate, Polyethylene (PE, HDPE), PETG, Polypropylene (PP), Polystyrene, PPE/PPO, Polyurethane / Urethane, PVC, TPV/TPE/TPO, Other
- Processes: Co-Extrusion, Cross Head Extrusion, Dual Extrusion, Hot Extrusion
- Regional Preference: North America, United States Only, Northeast US Only
Supplier: Air Compressors Direct
Description: Designed For High-Demand Air Tool Users •Heavier duty components for longer air runs in larger buildings HDPE Tubing With Aluminum Core •High density polyethylene maintains any hand-bent shape •Easy wall installation- no need for special pipe benders Meets
- Application: Pneumatic (Compressed Air)
Supplier: Air Compressors Direct
Description: Designed For High-Demand Air Tool Users •Heavier duty components for longer air runs in larger buildings HDPE Tubing With Aluminum Core •High density polyethylene maintains any hand-bent shape •Easy wall installation- no need for special pipe benders Meets
- Application: Pneumatic (Compressed Air)
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-lasting sharpness. The high-quality construction of our peeler tools ensures reliable and precise peeling. Fully adjustable and compact electrofusion pipe peeler tool for the even removal of oxidized layers of HDPE. Available in: ¾" IPS - 4" DIPS (read more)
Browse Pipe Fusion Machines Datasheets for Strongbridge International LLC -
tube bending, structural pipe bending, automotive bending, and general bending applications. What type of bending machine is right for me? When bending tube, pipe, angle, extrusions, etc., there are four (read more)
Browse Tube and Pipe Bending Machines Datasheets for J&S Machine, Inc. -
Machine expanded to include the sale of metal fabrication equipment from quality manufacturers, primarily in roll and rotary tube bending. The sales and service of bending machines and tooling are the focal point of our current operation. Utilizing skills and knowledge obtained from previous (read more)
Browse Tube and Pipe Bending Machines Datasheets for J&S Machine, Inc. -
's facilities. J&S Machine, Inc. provides complete R&D assistance, tooling design, testing, in house training and 24 hour service after the sale. Along with our suppliers we have 120 plus years of combined experience implementing and developing solutions for metal bending and cutting. Contact us today for a solution to your needs. (read more)
Browse Tube and Pipe Bending Machines Datasheets for J&S Machine, Inc. -
Stops Possibility to adjust timing between each motion Safety scanners and light curtains (optional) Material profiles that can be bent on a Double-Head Bender: Round Tube or Pipe (read more)
Browse Tube and Pipe Bending Machines Datasheets for J&S Machine, Inc. -
variety of machines used to bend window and storefront extrusions, angle iron, tube and pipe, and a variety of other materials. To do this, 3C-C.L.O.M.E.A. has developed a complete line of hydraulic and electromechanical machines. With the application of several control options available, 3C (read more)
Browse Tube and Pipe Bending Machines Datasheets for J&S Machine, Inc. -
New Motion control software the control features sequence programming for reducing cycle times and working with part interference. Applications include HVAC tube bending, air craft tube bending, structural pipe bending, automotive bending, and general bending applications (read more)
Browse Tube and Pipe Bending Machines Datasheets for J&S Machine, Inc. -
• Connections, sucker rods and tool joints • Austenitizing, quenching, tempering • Surface or through hardening • Heating for bending Induction tube annealing equipment ranges from: • Standalone units that anneal small tube sections • High (read more)
Browse Datasheets for Inductotherm Group -
exhaust bending industry. What type of bending machine is right for me? When bending tube, pipe, angle, extrusions, etc., there are four basic categories of bending machines, each with its own advantages and (read more)
Browse Tube and Pipe Bending Machines Datasheets for J&S Machine, Inc. -
J&S Machine carries a full line of 3C-C.L.O.M.E.A. bending machines capable of covering the many needs of the bending industry. The 3C-C.L.O.M.E.A. product line includes a variety of machines used to bend window and storefront extrusions, angle iron, tube and pipe, and a variety (read more)
Browse Tube and Pipe Bending Machines Datasheets for J&S Machine, Inc.
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Design and performance of underground pipe
Pipe design has generally focused on the change in diameter across the pipe section, although levels of circumferential hoop and bend- ing stress, circumferential strain, and the possibility of circumfer- ential buckling have also been considered. .... These computational tools have the potential to ensure that the structural design of buried HDPE pipe is based on rigorous engineering principles, and that it is both safe and efficient.
Inspection of Fusion Joints in Plastic Pipe
Operators use a standard bend test to test the integrity of pipe welds in the field. .... The WZIM inspection tool should be validated with the standard bend test for the sole purpose of .... HDPE and MDPE Defects and Defect Characteristics .
Horizontal Directional Drilling: Utility and Pipeline Applications > HDD Design
The suppliers of the mud motor and steering tools can provide information and recommendations concerning the allowable bend radius of their products. .... Pipe Stress Criteria. .... Typical products installed by HDD construction are composed of steel, polyethylene ( HDPE and PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC…
Pipe design has generally focused on the change in diameter across the pipe section, although levels of circumferential hoop and bend- ing stress, circumferential strain, and the possibility of circumfer- ential buckling have also been considered. .... These computational tools have the potential to ensure that the structural design of buried HDPE pipe is based on rigorous engineering principles, and that it is both safe and efficient.
Design and Performance of Plastic Drainage Pipes in Environmental Containment Facilities
For example, a plastic drainage pipe in a landfill that has deflected too much such that the passage of pipe inspection and cleaning tools is obstructed would be expected to clog rap- idly and hence quickly cease to perform its intended design … because they are most probably in a state of coupled long-term creep and relaxing bending stress. .... For HDPE landfill leachate collection pipes the question of how long the pipe retains its original properties…
Design and Performance of Plastic Drainage Pipes in Environmental Containment Facilities
For example, a plastic drainage pipe in a landfill that has deflected too much such that the passage of pipe inspection and cleaning tools is obstructed would be expected to clog rapidly and hence quickly cease to per- form its intended design … they are most probably in a state of coupled long-term creep and relax- ing bending stress. .... For HDPE landfill leachate collection pipes the question .
Federal Register > Monday, April 23, 2012 > [77 FR 24196] Alaska Village Electric Cooperative; Notice of Preliminary Permit Application Accepted for Filing and...
A total of 7,250 feet of HDPE would be installed from the intake and 2,850 feet of steel pipe would be installed near the powerhouse. .... The pipeline would be located such that bends would be gradual while minimizing the amount of excavation .... The building would house the turbines and associated equipment, switchgear, controls, and tools and would be placed…