Description: Narda Microwave-west, an L-3 Communications company, designs and manufactures state-of-the-art passive and active microwave components and subsystems with applications in the wireless, commercial, space and military markets.
- Component Type: Circulator
- Frequency Range: 500 to 600 MHz
- Insertion Loss: 0.5000 dB
- Isolation: 20 dB
Description: Narda Microwave-west, an L-3 Communications company, designs and manufactures state-of-the-art passive and active microwave components and subsystems with applications in the wireless, commercial, space and military markets.
- Component Type: Circulator
- Frequency Range: 5900 to 6400 MHz
- Insertion Loss: 0.3000 dB
- Isolation: 23 dB
Description: Narda Microwave-west, an L-3 Communications company, designs and manufactures state-of-the-art passive and active microwave components and subsystems with applications in the wireless, commercial, space and military markets.
- Component Type: Circulator
- Frequency Range: 6000 to 7500 MHz
- Insertion Loss: 0.4000 dB
- Isolation: 20 dB
Description: Narda Microwave-west, an L-3 Communications company, designs and manufactures state-of-the-art passive and active microwave components and subsystems with applications in the wireless, commercial, space and military markets.
- Component Type: Circulator
- Frequency Range: 8500 to 9600 MHz
- Insertion Loss: 0.3000 dB
- Isolation: 23 dB
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Virtual Auxiliary Termination for Multiport Scattering Matrix Measurement Using Two-Port Network Analyzer
For the four-port circulator Narda COF-2040 given in Section III, the moving average operation defined in (24) is further applied to remove the remaining glitches after performing (6) and (22).
Cancellation techniques for LO leakage and Dc offset in direct conversion systems
The antenna port of the circulator ( Narda 4923) was terminated with 50Ω , so that only the TX leakage signal was delivered to the RX path.
Feasibility of Heart Rate Variability Measurement from Quadrature Doppler Radar Using Arctangent Demodulation with DC Offset Compensation
The circulator ( Narda 4923) with RF-to-LO isolation of -22dB was used to isolate transmit and receive signals.
Two methods for scattering matrix measurement of an n-port network
To illustrate these two novel PRMs, we use a four-port circulator ( Narda COF-4080) as the device under test.
Port reduction methods for scattering matrix measurement of an n-port network
To illustrate these two novel PRM’s, we use a four-port circu- lator ( Narda COF-4080) as the device-under-test.
Battlefield triage life signs detection techniques
A Narda 4923 circulator was used to isolate transmit and receive signals, with the circulator RF to LO isolation measured to be -22 dB.
Cancellation of Unwanted Doppler Radar Sensor Motion Using Empirical Mode Decomposition
RPS-2-30 splitters, ZFM4212 mixers from Mini-circuits and a Narda 4923 circulator were used.
Heartbeat interval extraction using doppler radar for health monitoring
A Narda 4923 circulator was used to isolate transmit and receive signals, with a measured RF to LO isolation of -22 dB.
DC information preservation for cardiopulmonary monitor utilizing CW doppler radar
A Narda 4923 circulator routed the signals to and from the Antenna Specialist (ASPPT2988) antenna.
Cancellation of unwanted motion in a handheld Doppler radar used for non-contact life sign monitoring
A JTOS2700 VCO operating at 2.4 GHz has been used as the signal source and RPS-2-30 splitters, SKY-42 mixers from Mini-circuits and a Narda 4923 circulator are included in the design.