Products/Services for Nicol Prism

  • Optical Prisms-Image
    Optical Prisms - (265 companies)
    Optical prisms are blocks of optical material with flat, polished sides that are arranged at precisely controlled angles to one another. They are used in optical systems to deflect or redirect beams of light. They can invert or rotate images...
  • Polarimeters-Image
    Polarimeters - (55 companies)
    Polarimeters have two polaroid plates mounted apart. The lower plate is generally fixed and known as the polarizer. The upper plate can be rotated and is known as the analyzer. Polarimeters have two Nicol prisms, a type of polarizer. This polarizer...
  • Nonpolarizing Cube Beamsplitters-Image
    Nonpolarizing Cube Beamsplitters - (58 companies)
    Nonpolarizing cube beamsplitters provide a true 50/50 split regardless of the incoming polarization. They consist of a pair of precision right-angle prisms carefully cemented or mounted together to minimize wavefront distortion. Nonpolarizing cube...
  • Calcite Polarizers-Image
    Calcite Polarizers - (23 companies)
    ...with Ts >90%, while p-polarization is reflected and absorbed into the housing. They are made from the highest grade calcite and cemented together using a UV epoxy. The optic axis is parallel to the entrance window and prism angle thereby providing...
  • Optical Manufacturing Services-Image
    Optical Manufacturing Services - (295 companies)
    Mounts are mechanical devices for holding components or devices firmly in place while minimizing vibration. Optical manufacturing services design, fabricate and finish beamsplitters, crystals, filters prisms, reticles, waveplates, wedges...
    Monochromators - (34 companies)
    ...such as a slit or optical fiber. Inside the monochromator, a dispersive element, grating, crystal prism, or mirror diffracts the light into its spectrum. If the monochromator can be rotated, the dispersive element is manual or motor-driven. The angle...
    Optical Mounts - (92 companies)
    Individual optical mounts are designed to accommodate specific types of optical apparatus. They are used to mount or hold optical filters, all types of lenses, mirrors, polarizers, prism tables, iris diaphragms, filter wheels, diodes, laser mounts, beam...
    Polarizing Cube Beamsplitters - (62 companies)
    ...p-polarized), and the reflected beam is mostly polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence. Each beamsplitter consists of a pair of precision high tolerance right angle prisms, which must be fixed in relation to one another by either mounting...
    Optical Polarizers - (166 companies)
    Optical polarizers are optical devices that can transform unpolarized or natural light into polarized light, usually by the selective transmission of polarized rays.
    Binoculars - (64 companies)
    ...are tripod-mounted. Features. Prismatic binoculars are constructed with eyepiece lenses, objective lenses, and a series of prisms to shorten the optical path. A small wheel mounted in the center between the two tubes focuses the image. Another adjustment...

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