Gas Springs Suppliers in California

Gas springs provide controlled motion and speed for elements, such as lids and doors, that open and close. (more)
Magnus Mobility Systems, Inc.
Address: 1912 West Business Center Drive, Orange, CA 92867 USA
Business Type: Manufacturer
Description: Magnus Mobility Systems and The Jilson Group network of companies provides specialized and standard motion control solutions including casters, wheels, levelers, gas springs, bearings, clips and ties, shears and accessories. Magnus and Jilson serve design engineers seeking motion control... (more)


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Clayton Controls, Inc.
Address: 2865 Pullman St., Santa Ana, CA 92705 United States
Business Type: Distributor


Lucid Gas Springs
Address: 4422 Cerritos Ave., Los Alamitos, CA 90720 United States
Business Type: Manufacturer
