Gas Springs Suppliers in New York

Gas springs provide controlled motion and speed for elements, such as lids and doors, that open and close. (more)
H.A. Guden Co., Inc.
Address: 99 Raynor Avenue, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 United States
Business Type: Manufacturer
Description: Hinges, Gas Springs, Dampers, Handles, Supports and more. Tap into a full selection of stock and custom products: Hinges, Gas Springs, Dampers, Handles, Supports, Latches, Hasps, Catches plus a large variety of other essential fastening and motion control products. Steel, stainless steel,... (more)


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Ameritool Manufacturing LLC
Address: 64 Corporate Park Drive, Central Square, NY 13036 United States
Business Type: Manufacturer


Zip Industrial Products Corporation
Address: 6550 Campbell Blvd., Lockport, NY 14094-9210 United States
Business Type: Distributor
