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A microscope is an instrument capable of producing a magnified image of a small object.
Microscopy Categories

Biological Microscopes

Biological microscopes are used to study organisms and their vital processes.

Digital and Video Microscopes

Digital and video microscopes are instruments that use digital technology to magnify images of objects. They include built-in cameras and a series of high-powered lenses that provide superior image quality and resolution.

Electron Microscopes

Electron microscopes use a focused beam of electrons instead of light to "image" the specimen and gain information as to its structure and composition.

Ion Milling Systems

Ion milling systems use an ion beam to thin samples for transmission electron microscopy. Focused ion beam (FIB) systems use a narrow high current beam to mill specific regions or a low current beams to image samples (FIM).


Magnifiers enlarge the appearance of objects when viewed through a lens. These facilitate the inspection of fine details and the assembly of small components.

Measuring Microscopes

Measuring microscopes are used by toolmakers for measuring the properties of tools.  These microscopes are often used for dimensional measurement with lower magnifying powers to allow for brighter, sharper images combined with a wide field of view.

Metallurgical Microscopes

Metallurgical microscopes are used for metallurgical inspection including metals, ceramics, and other materials.

Microscope Lenses and Objectives

Microscope lenses and microscope objectives include eyepieces or oculars, optical filters, objectives, adapters or mounts, condensers and other optical components for microscopy.

Microscope Stages

Microscope stages are platforms where specimens are placed for observation with a microscope. They are often equipped with a mechanical device which holds the specimen slide in place, but allows the back-and-forth and side-to-side movement of the slide.


Microscopes are instruments that produce magnified images of small objects

Microscopy and Metallography Sample Preparation Equipment

Microscopy sample preparation equipment and metallography sample preparation equipment is used for the preparation of samples for metallographic or microscopic inspection and analysis.


Microtomes are machines that cut extremely thin sections from a sample for transmitted electron (TEM) or light microscopy applications.

Mounting Compounds

Mounting compounds are used to encapsulate specimens of a metal, ceramic, minerals, biomaterials or other material to allow grinding, polishing and other sample preparation for analysis using microscopes, hardness testers or spectrometers. Mounting compounds are in the form of compression mounting resins (powders, pellets or preforms) or liquid resins.

Mounting Presses and Equipment

Mounting presses and equipment are used to encapsulate specimens of a metal, ceramic or other material with a mounting compound to allow grinding, polishing and other sample preparation for analysis using microscopes, hardness testers or spectrometers. Mounting pressing, vacuum impregnation and cold casting are techniques used in mounting metallographic or material samples.

Optical and Light Microscopes

Optical and light microscopes use the visible or near-visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to magnify images of objects.

Scanning Probe Microscopes

Scanning probe microscopes form images of surfaces by using a physical probe that scans the specimen. Examples include AFMs (atomic force microscopes), MFMs (magetic force microscopes), and STMs (scanning tunneling microscopes).

Specialty Microscopes

Specialty microscopes are designed for specific applications such as metallurgy or gemology. They use specialized techniques or technologies such as acoustics to produce magnification.


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Category: Biological Microscopes
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