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Cri-Tech, Inc. has promoted these products / services:

Cri-Tech, Inc. - THV Alternative - Cri-plastMP Fluoroplastic TPE/Vs

Looking for THV resin replacment options? Cri-plastMP Fluoro-TPE and TPVs are flexible high performance compounds with a proven track record in Fuel Systems and Wire & Cable applications. (read more)

Cri-Tech, Inc. - Fluoro-TPEs & Cross-linkable F-TPX for Automotive

Cri-Tech specializes in both Elastomer and Plastic Fluoromaterials, allowing for the development of unique Cri-plastMPTM F-TPE, TPV and TPX for automotive wire & cable and fuel systems. These standard, or custom tailored comounds, offer a unique combination of heat performance, chemical resistance and flexibility. (read more)

Cri-Tech, Inc. - Cri-plastMP Fluoroplastic TPE & TPV Compounds

Sometimes you need a little more flexibility!

Flexible and Fluoromaterial based Cri-plastMP TPE/Vs are a family of melt processable Fluoro – Thermoplastic Elastomer compounds developed to meet a wide range of applications including Automotive Wire & Cable, Fuel Systems, and Chemical Industry. (read more)

Cri-Tech, Inc. - Low Permeation Fluoroelastomer & F-TPE/V Compounds

Sometimes it's hard not to get caught up in the EV frenzy. ICE fuel systems are still alive and Cri-Tech's unique low fuel permeation Cri-Line® LP (Low-Permeation) FKM and Cri-plastMP Fluoro-TPE & F-TPV compounds can provide the fuel resistance and lower permeation required in these demanding applications. Also available in Static dissipative formulations. (read more)

Cri-Tech, Inc. - Cri-plastMP Injection Mold Static Dissipative PFA

Cri-Tech announces the introduction of a new line of Cri-plastMPTM PFA Static Dissipative - High Flow Compounds. Specially formulated for injection molding and designed to meet your static dissipative/conductive, ATEX requirements in multiple applications. (read more)

Cri-Tech, Inc. - Cri-plastMP PFA Static Dissipative Compounds

Cri-plastMP PFA Electrically Conductive Compounds are formulated to meet your static dissipative/conductive, ATEX requirements in multiple applications. Specific grades can be processed by injection, extrusion, transfer molding, and compression molding. (read more)

Cri-Tech, Inc. - We make Fluoro-materials better!

At Cri-Tech, we don’t make Fluoro-materials such as PVDF, ETFE, EFEP, FEP & PFA … but we do make them better! We make unique compounds to meet your specific application, process, and tooling needs. While many compounders produce some Fluoro-material compounds, this has been our area of expertise and passion for over 40 years. You will like the results. (read more)

Cri-Tech, Inc. - Self Regulating or Constant Wattage compounds

Whether you are looking for Constant Wattage (stable resistance over a wide temperature range), or desire Self-Regulating behavior (change with temp), Cri-plastMP Electrically Conductive Compounds are formulated to meet your static dissipative/conductive, ATEX requirements in multiple applications. (read more)

Cri-Tech, Inc. - Softer Durometer Static Dissipative FKM Compounds

Tired of looking for a solution that provides both softer durometer and improved static dissipative performance? How about reducing fuel permeation to boot? Your wait is over. Cri-Tech's new Cri-Line® FKM Static Dissipative FKM compounds can now be tailored to meet your most demanding application requirements. (read more)

Cri-Tech, Inc. - Cri-plastMP Fluoro-TPE/V & TPX (e-beam xlinkable)

Cri-Tech continues to provide unique fluoroelastomers and plastics compounds to meet your demanding TPE/V and e-beam x-linkable needs. Need the chemical resistance and cleanliness of fluoroplastic, but flexible? Low Fuel Perm ICE or High-Performance EV cable compounds? Come talk with us. (read more)

Cri-Tech, Inc. - Cri-plastMP Fluoro-TPE (F-TPE) Compounds

Cri-plastMP F-TPE Compounds

Cri-plastMP F-TPEs are a family of melt processable Fluoro - Thermoplastic Elastomers (F-TPEs) developed to meet a wide range of applications including Automotive, Wire & Cable, Chemical Industry and Consumer applications. Specific grades can be processed by injection, extrusion, transfer molding, and compression molding. (read more)

Cri-Tech, Inc. - Pelletized Graphene/Rubber MB & Compounds

Cri-Tech, known for its expertise and experience with specialty elastomers, plastics and additives, now offers its customers specialty masterbatch materials in a convenient pelletized form. These masterbatches reduce many of the obstacles companies face through encapsulation and dispersion of additives that require unique handling and dispersion processes. (read more)

Cri-Tech, Inc. - Compound and Masterbatch Tolling Services

In addition to the development and compounding of specialty compounds for its customers, Cri-Tech also utilizes its unique compounding capabilities for toll compounding services. (read more)

Cri-Tech, Inc. - Cri-Line FKM Compounds

The Cri-Line compounds as described are fully formulated high performance FKM compounds, developed, tested and guaranteed by Cri-Tech, Inc (read more)