Looking for THV resin replacment options? Cri-plastMP Fluoro-TPE and TPVs are flexible high performance compounds with a proven track record in Fuel Systems and Wire & Cable applications.
(read more)Cri-Tech specializes in both Elastomer and Plastic Fluoromaterials, allowing for the development of unique Cri-plastMPTM F-TPE, TPV and TPX for automotive wire & cable and fuel systems. These standard, or custom tailored comounds, offer a unique combination of heat performance, chemical resistance and flexibility.
(read more)Sometimes you need a little more flexibility!
Flexible and Fluoromaterial based Cri-plastMP TPE/Vs are a family of melt processable Fluoro – Thermoplastic Elastomer compounds developed to meet a wide range of applications including Automotive Wire & Cable, Fuel Systems, and Chemical Industry.
(read more)Sometimes it's hard not to get caught up in the EV frenzy. ICE fuel systems are still alive and Cri-Tech's unique low fuel permeation Cri-Line® LP (Low-Permeation) FKM and Cri-plastMP Fluoro-TPE & F-TPV compounds can provide the fuel resistance and lower permeation required in these demanding applications. Also available in Static dissipative formulations.
(read more)Cri-Tech announces the introduction of a new line of Cri-plastMPTM PFA Static Dissipative - High Flow Compounds. Specially formulated for injection molding and designed to meet your static dissipative/conducti
Cri-plastMP PFA Electrically Conductive Compounds are formulated to meet your static dissipative/conducti
At Cri-Tech, we don’t make Fluoro-materials such as PVDF, ETFE, EFEP, FEP & PFA … but we do make them better! We make unique compounds to meet your specific application, process, and tooling needs. While many compounders produce some Fluoro-material compounds, this has been our area of expertise and passion for over 40 years. You will like the results.
(read more)Whether you are looking for Constant Wattage (stable resistance over a wide temperature range), or desire Self-Regulating behavior (change with temp), Cri-plastMP Electrically Conductive Compounds are formulated to meet your static dissipative/conducti
Tired of looking for a solution that provides both softer durometer and improved static dissipative performance? How about reducing fuel permeation to boot? Your wait is over. Cri-Tech's new Cri-Line® FKM Static Dissipative FKM compounds can now be tailored to meet your most demanding application requirements.
(read more)Cri-Tech continues to provide unique fluoroelastomers and plastics compounds to meet your demanding TPE/V and e-beam x-linkable needs. Need the chemical resistance and cleanliness of fluoroplastic, but flexible? Low Fuel Perm ICE or High-Performance EV cable compounds? Come talk with us.
(read more)Cri-plastMP F-TPE Compounds
Cri-plastMP F-TPEs are a family of melt processable Fluoro - Thermoplastic Elastomers (F-TPEs) developed to meet a wide range of applications including Automotive, Wire & Cable, Chemical Industry and Consumer applications. Specific grades can be processed by injection, extrusion, transfer molding, and compression molding.
(read more)Cri-Tech, known for its expertise and experience with specialty elastomers, plastics and additives, now offers its customers specialty masterbatch materials in a convenient pelletized form. These masterbatches reduce many of the obstacles companies face through encapsulation and dispersion of additives that require unique handling and dispersion processes.
(read more)In addition to the development and compounding of specialty compounds for its customers, Cri-Tech also utilizes its unique compounding capabilities for toll compounding services.
(read more)The Cri-Line compounds as described are fully formulated high performance FKM compounds, developed, tested and guaranteed by Cri-Tech, Inc
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