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Videos about Altech Corp.
Altech Product Preview:
The Product Lines of Altech Corporation are described.
Digital Timers
Altech’s AMT-Series of Universal Digital Multi-Timers:
AMT-Series of Universal Digital Multi-Timers comprises 4 models featuring 8 or 18 timer functions to offer highest flexibility in controlling operations. The time range is adjustable from 0.1s to 999h.
Industrial Enclosures
Altech TG Enclosures:
The Altech TG series of industrial enclosures is explained and demonstrated.
Power Distribution Units (PDU)
Altech Corp. Power Distribution System:
Altech''s modular Power Distribution (APD) System is a new way to simplify existing wiring methods!
Stack Lights and Machine Lights
Altech Corp. Tower Lights:
Altech® Tower Lights introduce versatile illumination solutions ideally suited to monitor productivity status or machine-operation sequences along production and conveyor lines, among other applications.