Ergonomics in Layman's Terms: WBS Handling Area

Featured Product from item America, LLC

Ergonomics in Layman's Terms: WBS Handling Area-Image

People are now increasingly working from home. More than ever, this makes ergonomics a key aspect of discussions relating to modern working practices. Basically speaking, ergonomics combines protecting the health of employees with process optimization. Marius Geibel, an ergonomics expert at item, sums up how ergonomics boosts the efficiency of industrial work benches as follows: “Ergonomics helps companies to retain their workforce for the long term and find effective solutions for dealing with the demographic changes that are causing so much debate. Employees benefit from better health and companies benefit from better efficiency. It’s a win-win situation.” Workplace design based on ergonomic principles goes beyond office desks – it’s particularly important in manual production. Failure to keep the tools and materials that are required for assembly within easy reach inevitably results in uneven strain and unnecessary movements. This, in turn, quickly leads to staff having to take sick leave. Flexible adjustment is an absolute must when designing an ergonomic assembly work bench. Only then can employees realize their full potential. The handling area concept and a specific application scenario clearly demonstrate the importance of the flexibility factor. Read more now to download the free ergonomics case study!