- Trained on our vast library of engineering resources.


A.H. Systems Inc. has promoted these products / services:

A.H. Systems Inc. - The best frequency range & performance in 1 case!

Complete frequency coverage squeezed into one suitcase and ready to go. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Passive Shielded Loop Antenna: SAS-563P

This 12" (30 cm) Passive Shielded Loop Antenna is an excellent solution for shielding effectiveness testing. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Passive monopole transmitting from 9 KHz - 40 MHz

A.H. Systems' Passive Monopole Antenna provides superior performance in electric field measurements. The Passive Monopole Antenna is used for transmitting to perform shielding effectiveness and immunity testing. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Antenna Kits: A portable and economical approach

The A.H. Systems AK-285R and AK-285T antenna kits includes all of the required antennas needed to perform shielding effectiveness. Each component has a specific storage compartment in the carrying case therefore, loss and breakage are virtually eliminated. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Octave bandwidth pyramidal horn antennas

The A.H. Systems' Octave Horn Antennas is an octave bandwith pyamidal horn antenna that offers excellent half power performance. With low VSWR, high input handling capability and rugged design make this horn antenna excellent for both immunity and emissions testing. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Shielding Effectiveness Test Guide

Just as interference testing requires RF enclosures, isolation systems in turn need their own testing. Here is a listing for test antennas and resources required to perform shielding effectiveness testing. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Loop Antennas

A.H. Systems manufactures a wide variety of loop antennas in the frequency range of 20 Hz to 30 MHz that are primarily used to measure the magnetic field strength at lower frequencies. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Increase your dynamic range with our Preamplifier

An easy solution to increasing your dynamic range is with the use of a preamplifier. We offer many different models that cover a broad frequency rage. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - High performance microwave cables

With improved power handling, low VSWR, and high frequency capabilities, the Low-Loss cables can be made to your specified length and delivered in two days. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Rugged Preamplifier PAM-0202

This Preamplifier will provide reliable, repeatable measurements. An ideal solution and a standard workhorse of any EMC test house for compliance testing. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Signal testing essentials

There are a number of ways that mistakes with preamps in test configurations can lead to misleading or incorrect readings or even damaged equipment and unnecessary costs. With some attention and proper equipment matching, results will be accurate and useful, and expenses will remain at a minimum. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Low Frequency Preamplifiers

A low voltage indicator confidently allows you to power the amplifier with your own external 12-volt DC battery. This makes it a convenient choice for field measurements. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Log periodic antennas are our specialty

These antennas are excellent for shielding effectiveness, site-survey, pre-compliance testing, or full compliance applications. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Learn more about the FCC-4 Dipole Antenna

This small, lightweight and portable antenna provides a convenient solution for accurate gain measurements (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Preamplifiers 5 KHz - 40 GHz

A.H. Systems' Preamplifier line is an excellent choice with a rugged design, no hassles with soldering your own power leads, and they improve overall system sensitivity. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - How to use Antenna Factors

An antenna's antenna factor (AF) is a comparison between the field level presented to the antenna and the actual voltage produced by the antenna at it's connector. The antenna factor varies with frequency, that is for the same presented field strength, but at a different frequency, the voltage produced at the connector is not constant. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - How Connections Impact Testing

Almost every RF test setup requires connectors and cables. Connectors will influence test results in various and sometimes unpredictable ways. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Ak-521-F7 Bilogical Antenna Kit

For rapid deployment along with the mobility of a small package, this Bilogical Antenna Kit provides an inexpensive solution to broadband applications. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - dBm, Volts, Watts Conversion Tool

dBm is defined as power ratio in decibel (dB) referenced to one milliwatt (mW). It is an abbreviation for dB with respect to 1 mW and the "m" in dBm stands for milliwatt. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - What exactly is the "Antenna Factor"?

In recent years, the use of a term call "Antenna Factor" in EMC and spectrum pollution work has become very important. There has been a great need for measuring field intensity and/or power density as accurately and conveniently as possible. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Revealing the Mysteries of VSWR

VSWR Stands for 'Voltage Standing Wave Ratio' and is used in EMC to specify the effect of a mismatch presented to a test system signal. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Find the right Antenna you're looking for

Requesting a quote with A.H. Systems is easy. Find the antenna that fits your needs in as little as 10 minutes! (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Do you know how to choose the right antenna?

Finding an EMC antenna to meet standard requirements can be complicated. A lot of today's testing requirements involve high frequency tests, and you need an antenna that will get the job done without failure. Do you know how to choose the right antenna? (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Antenna Kits for today's dynamic environments

Constantly changing for today's dynamic environment, A.H. Systems presents the proven line of Antenna Kits. Designed to meet the needs of your various testing requirements. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Dipole Antenna for broadcast field measurements.

Designed per the FCC specitications, this Tuned Dipole Antenna is ideal for broadcast field measurements. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - H-Field Rods for magnetic field testing.

For applications where high sensitivity is required, A.H. Systems set of H-Field Rods provides an accurate standard for magnetic field testing. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Battery Operated Active Monopole Antenna

A.H. Systems' Active Monopole Antenna provides superior performance in electric field measurements. The Active Monopole Antenna can drive any receiver with 50 ohm input impedance and will perform FCC, MIL-STD and TEMPEST tests. The SAS-550-1B includes a battery pack and charger for open field test sites that may not have ready access to outlets. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Make Smart Use Of Preamps In RF Testing

There are a number of ways that mistakes with preamps in test configurations can lead to misleading or incorrect readings or even damaged equipment and unnecessary costs. With some attention and proper equipment matching, results will be accurate and useful, and expenses will remain at a minimum. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - VSWR Explained

VSWR Stands for 'Voltage Standing Wave Ratio' and is used in EMC to specify the effect of a mismatch presented to a test system signal. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Double Ridge Guide Horn Antenna

The A.H. Systems' Double Ridge Guide Horn Antenna is a broadband antenna that offers excellent performance over the frequency range of 700 MHz to 18.0 GHz. High gain, low VSWR, input handling capability up to 300 watts CW, and rugged design make this EMC horn antenna excellent for both immunity and emissions testing. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Electrostatic shielded loop antenna

This Passive Loop Antenna is an electrostatic shielded loop antenna that minimizes the E-field response and is an excellent solution for low frequency magnetic field emissions and immunity testing in the frequency range of 9K Hz to 30 MHz. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Annual recalibration is important

Annual recalibration is important to ensure repeatable and reliable data. At our facility, we calibrate our own antennas, as well as, most other brand antennas in accordance with SAE, ANSI, IEEE and CISPR specifications. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - A.H. Systems' Double Ridged Guide Horn Antenna

High gain, low VSWR, input handling capability up to 800 watts CW, and rugged design make this horn antenna excellent for both immunity and emissions testing. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - The A.H. Systems' Tuned Dipole Antenna Set

Tuned Dipole with 2 complete Sets in one case

This Tuned Dipole Set should be considered as a standard reference for frequencies below 1000 MHz. All Sets come contained in a rugged, lightweight storage case and includes four Baluns, Element extension rods, telescoping Elements, 10 Meter Cable, Tape Measure and a Clamp for tripod mounting. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Standard Gain Horn Antenna

This Standard Gain Horn Antenna will provide reliable, repeatable measurements. An ideal solution and a standard workhorse of any EMC test house for compliance testing. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Broadband Current Probe

With a usable frequency range of 10 KHz to 152 MHz the BCP-611 monitoring current probe is a great measurement tool for MIL-STD, CISPR and many automotive specifications. The 1V/A flat response of this current probe makes it ideal for a 1:1 comparison for conducted emission measurement and troubleshooting applications. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Calibration Fixture for Current Probes

Injection Probe calibration fixtures are a part of the test equipment required by most of the Bulk current Injection Test Procedure Specifications. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Loop Antennas: an efficient low cost solution

Whether used in a set to measure shielding effectiveness per MIL-STD 285 and NSA 65-6 or individually to satisfy specific requirements, the Loop Antenna is an efficient, low cost solution. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - How to Perform a Radiated Emissions Measurement

This is a brief overview on how to perform a standard Radiated Emissions Measurement test. It includes how to set up, take measurements and calculate results. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Horn Antenna for immunity and emissions testing.

High gain, low VSWR, input handling capability up to 800 watts CW and rugged design make this DRG horn antenna excellent for both immunity and emissions testing. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Shielding effectiveness kit

A portable and economical approach to having all the antennas required for most shielding effectiveness testing. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Bilogical Antenna Kits for Rapid Deployment

Kits provides an inexpensive solution to broadband applications.

Each kit provides all the reliable antennas, current probes and accessories needed to satisfy a wide array of customer requirements. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - EMC related Formulas

Frequently used conversion factors, how they are derived, and why they are used.

If you need to convert from one series of units to another for any reason, this is the tech. note for you. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - The Importance of Antenna Beamwidth in RF Testing

Antenna beamwidth determines the expected signal strength given the direction and radiation distance of an antenna. The beamwidth will vary given a number of different factors such as the antenna type, design, orientation and radio frequency. Understanding beamwidth and how it influences a test environment is critical to accurate and repeatable tests. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - A broadband antenna that folds in half

The A.H. Systems SAS-512F-2 log periodic antenna is able to provide directivity and gain over a wide bandwidth. This antenna also folds in half for ease of storage, an optional transit storage case is ideal for portable applications. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - non-magnetic & non-reflective antenna tripod

We're excited to unveil our new ATU-514 "non-magnetic and non-reflective" antenna tripod, a brand-new product made especially for compliance testing (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Equivalent Capacitance Fixture Kit

This Equivalent Capacitance Fixture is used for the verification and calibration of the active monopole antennas. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Recommended Antenna Maintenance

While it is not neccessary before each test, these maintenance mesures go a long way. Not only will they keep critical features in working order, they can also help protect and extend the life of your antenna. (read more)

A.H. Systems Inc. - Advantages of Antenna Rental

Here are a few reasons you should consider renting vs. purchasing:

  • Saves time and money with immediate delivery
  • Provides cost-effective solutions for short-term projects or overload
  • Protects against capital investments and product obsolescence
  • Provides the ability to evaluate equipment before purchasing
  • Avoids wasting time and.../li>
(read more)
A.H. Systems Inc. - Why Choose A.H. Systems for your antenna rentals?

For over 40 years, we have proven to be a leading manufacturer of EMC test antennas and accessories. Our knowledgeable staff will work with you to provide the most complete antenna solution to fit your testing requirements. Our inventory is fully tested and inspected before leaving our facility. (read more)