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Products/Services for HVAC Blast Dampers

  • Dampers and Louvers-Image
    Dampers and Louvers - (293 companies)
    ...and Louvers Dampers are made of metal and usually square, circular, or rectangular in shape. Some industrial dampers are designed for pressure relief, or recommended for use within specific HVAC systems. Like dampers, louvers are usually made of aluminum...
  • Damper Actuators-Image
    Damper Actuators - (50 companies)
    Damper actuators are powered devices that are used to operate a damper and adjust the flow of air and smoke. There are two basic types: electric and pneumatic. Electric damper actuators differ in terms of output. Choices include 0 to 12 VDC, 2 to 10...
  • Fans and Blowers (industrial)-Image
    Fans and Blowers (industrial) - (1488 companies)
    ...units and HVAC (Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) systems incorporate fans such as plenum fans and duct fans to move air in buildings and enclosed environments. Exhaust fans draw air out of a building or workspace that may be contaminated...
  • HVAC Ductwork-Image
    HVAC Ductwork - (524 companies)
    ...in each room. The pipes which distribute air in the room are called air conditioning ducts. The distribution system is made of an HVAC ductwork air return supply, filters, dampers and registers. There are numerous methods of designing a ducted heating...
  • Rotary Dampers-Image
    Rotary Dampers - (50 companies)
    Rotary dampers absorb and slow rotary motion for the mitigation of vibration, noise, and machine component wear. Rotary dampers are gear-like devices designed to limit the movement of a moving piece of equipment. Rotary dampers absorb and slow down...
    HVAC Chillers - (201 companies)
    Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) chillers are refrigeration systems that provide cooling for industrial and commercial applications. They use water, oils or other fluids as refrigerants. HVAC chillers include a compressor, condenser...
    HVAC Fans and Blowers - (325 companies)
    HVAC fans and blowers are used to move air through heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. They are an integral part of the air handling systems that bring or draw fresh air into buildings. HVAC fans and blowers are used to move...
    HVAC Controllers - (425 companies)
    HVAC controllers are used to monitor and control heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in buildings. They monitor indoor environmental factors such as temperature and humidity, and control heating and cooling to maintain desired...
    Blast Rooms and Blasting Booths - (45 companies)
    Blasting Rooms and Blasting Booths. Blasting rooms and blasting booths are designed to contain the abrasive blasting process used with large workpieces. They are self-contained enclosures that have internal lighting and can accommodate both...
    Boilers (industrial) - (593 companies)
    Industrial boilers are closed vessels that use a fuel source or electricity to heat water or generate steam for industrial heating and humidification applications.

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