Products/Services for Low Coefficient Of Thermal Expansion Glass Capillary Tube

  • Glass Tube and Rod-Image
    Glass Tube and Rod - (65 companies)
    Fused silica. Borosilicate. Aluminosilicate. Specifications. Selecting glass tube and rod requires an analysis of physical and optical properties, thermal characteristics, and electrical and mechanical parameters. Some of these specifications...
  • Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors-Image
    Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors - (627 companies)
    ...mercury switch, rod and tube with different temperature coefficients, and gas-actuated or vapor-tension. Bimetallic disc or snap action switches operate due to the phenomenon of thermal expansion. Two dissimilar metals expand at different rates...
    Quartz Tube and Rod - (36 companies)
    ...and possesses a translucent appearance. Fused quartz has special properties that make it valuable to the production of modern instruments and other equipment. These attributes include: A high degree of chemical purity and resistance. A low degree of thermal...
  • Industrial Thermometers-Image
    Industrial Thermometers - (406 companies)
    The appropriate volume of liquid or gas in the tube depends on the expansion coefficient of the substance used, the area of the capillary and the range of temperature required. The governing formula is. h = Volume / Area = b * Vo (T - To) / A. Bimetal...
  • Temperature Sensors-Image
    Temperature Sensors - (618 companies)
    ...the welded strip is heated, the two metals change length based on their individual rates of thermal expansion. Since the two metals expand to different lengths, the bimetallic strip is forced to bend or curl towards the side with a lower coefficient...
    Dial Thermometers - (260 companies)
    ...copper, steel or brass as long as one has low heat sensitivity while the other metal has high heat sensitivity. Whenever the welded strip is heated, the two metals change length based on their individual rates of thermal expansion. Since the two metals...
    Heat Exchangers - (1426 companies)
    ...and fixed to the shell. They are less complex and cheaper to manufacture and maintain than floating tube-sheet configurations, but can suffer from thermal stresses due to restraints between the shell and tubes. Plated. Advantages. Disadvantages. Low initial...
    Polymers and Plastic Resins - (870 companies)
    ...and many cannot be recycled due to irreversibility. Polymer and Plastic Material Properties. Special consideration should be given to properties such use temperature, coefficient of thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, and tensile strength. Use...
    Flexible Expansion Joints - (442 companies)
    Expansion joints connect two fixed assemblies or pipes and provide allowance for movement due to service load, shock, or thermal cycles. Description. Expansion joints connect two fixed assemblies or pipes and allow movement due to service load...
    Capillary Electrophoresis Equipment - (43 companies)
    Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a family of related separation techniques that use narrow-bore fused-silica capillaries to separate a complex array of large and small molecules. High voltages are used to separate molecules based on differences...

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  • A review of the preparation and properties of anomalous water
    It is claimed that the thermal expansion properties of anomalous water cannot possibly be the result of contamination leached from the walls of the capillary tube ; the concentration of electrolyte required to produce these effects would be 5 to l0 per cent … Even if the walls were thick enough to permit this, the process is kinetically impossible, because of the very low diffusion coefficients of ions in fused silica glass (d is approximately 10-1hnm 2 second -1) [32].
  • Developing the melting of glass ZS-4 in tank furnaces
    The coefficient of linear thermal expansion of the film, as a rule, proved to be inadequate for testing by the double thread method with a standard c~= 87 x 10"Towing to the too low value of m The presence of a viscous film on the surface of the glass in the melter over a period of years led to high loss in tube glass due to bubbles ( capillaries ) although during this time many different variants of fining agents were …
  • A Capillary Tube Viscometer Designed for Measurements of Hydrogen Gas Viscosity at High Pressure and High Temperature
    The capillary tube is made of quartz glass which has a small thermal expansion coefficient . … separates the pressure vessel into a higher pressure gas inlet part and a lower pressure gas outlet …
  • Multiplexed extrinsic Fabry-Perot sensor system for in-situ strain and impact damage detection in composites
    The low sensitivity towards temperature makes it possible to interrogate the EFPI sensor using simple signal processing … The EFPI sensor can also be configured to suit different applications by altering the type of fibres, the capillary tube , e.g., metal or glass with specified coefficients of thermal expansion , the cavity lengths can be optimised for tensile or compressive strain …
  • Optical fiber sensors for high-temperature characterization of ceramic-matrix composites
    … tests involving large temperature extremes, another relative performance merit of the fiber optic sensor is the very low thermal-apparent strain of the sensor body owing to the extremely low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of silica glass (0.55 x 10 … … measuring strain, the gap-based sensor can easily be modified for temperature measurements by using a wire or other high CTE material in lieu of the reflector fiber, bonding the fiber/wire to the ends of the capillary tube , and inserting the resulting …
  • Internal pressure measurements of diisooctylphthalate and dioctylsebacate
    Pres- sure was applied by means of an hydraulic screw pump so as the temperature was raised or lowered the hydro- static pressure was raised or lowered to maintain the electric contact in the capillary tube . The results reported below are thus limited to a Yobs (an observed thermal pressure coefficient ) which must be corrected for the expansion and compressibility of the glass as noted below in the "Experimental Results" sec- tion.
  • A toluene-mercury thermo-regulator for room control
    The bulb " of the instrument con- tains about 120 ml. of toluene and is made of soda- glass tubing , of I cm. bore, arranged in an open grid formation so that it offers a large surface to the air. The lower electrode is sealed in through the wall of the limb and makes permanent contact with the mercury, 11-hile the other projects downwards into a short capillary tube, of 2 mm. bore, where the mercury meniscus can make or break … The calculated change in height of the mercury meniscus per 0.1' C. change in tempera- ture of the bulb is approximately + mm., assuming the thermal coefficient of expansion of the toluene to be 0.001og for I' C. . I .
  • Measurement of Vital Signs: Temperature [Tutorial]
    The liquid in the fixed volume bulb is chosen based on its having a relatively large coefficient of thermal expansion , i.e., as its tempera- ture increases its volume also increases. This causes the column of liquid to rise in the capillary tube , since it has already filled the fixed volume bulb. A scale along the glass capillary tube can be calibrated to read the temperature of the liquid … … been routinely used in med- icine and has the advantages of simplicity, availability, and relatively low cost.
  • Carbon at High Temperatures
    … Enthalpy of melting, 112 Enthalpy under completion of melting, 91 Epoxy glue, 115 Equilibrium curve solid-liquid, 193 Equilibrium thermal properties, 213 Equilibrium thermo … … carbon, 77 Exoplanet, 2 Expandable graphite, 126 Expanding graphite … … melting point, 109 Expansion coefficients , 77 Expansion during melting … Gaseous medium, 183 Generator, 145 Germanium, 55 Glass capillary tube , 64 Glass cell, 116 Glass fiber, 115 Glass plate, 166, 167 Glassy carbon … … melting region, 116 Graphite melting RW1, 78 Graphite MF-307, 136 Graphite of low density, 68 Graphite POCO …
  • Oscillating Heat Pipes
    The primary reason for this difference might be due to the constant filling ratio and capillary tube of the OHP. … words, the oscillating motion in an OHP is due to the vapor volume expansion in the evaporator … For a glass OHP, glass has a low thermal conductivity. Considering the additional contact thermal resistance and low convection heat transfer coefficient in the condenser section, the …

Product Announcements
Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.
Xiamen Unipretec Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd.
Suntech Applied Materials (Hefei) Co.,Ltd
Suntech Applied Materials (Hefei) Co.,Ltd
Suntech Applied Materials (Hefei) Co.,Ltd
Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.