Products/Services for Parabolic Cylindrical Antenna

  • Antennas-Image
    Antennas - (1128 companies)
    ...periodic antennas are often utilized in broadband applications. Parabolic reflectors, or dish antennas, consist of reflector backed arrays. An active element in the focal point of the array radiates or receives signals that bounce off the reflector...
  • Horn Antennas-Image
    Horn Antennas - (67 companies)
    Horn antennas are used for the transmission and reception of microwave signals. They are usually fed by waveguides. Horn antennas, colloquially referred to as gain horn antennas, are used for the transmission and reception of microwave signals...
  • Reflectors-Image
    Reflectors - (42 companies)
    Parabolic reflectors and ellipsoidal reflectors are used to maximize illumination or projection system output by increasing light source efficiency. These devices resemble small satellite dishes in their parabolic geometry, with a small hole either...
  • Hydraulic Cylinders-Image
    Hydraulic Cylinders - (799 companies)
    Hydraulic cylinders are actuation devices that utilize pressurized hydraulic fluid to produce linear motion and force. Video detailing operating specifications. Video Credit: AgriSupplyHowTo / CC BY-SA 4.0. Stroke- The distance that the piston...
  • Air Cylinders-Image
    Air Cylinders - (619 companies)
    Air cylinders are pneumatic linear actuators that are driven by a pressure differential in the cylinder's chambers. They may be single-acting (with a spring return) or double-acting. Air cylinders are pneumatic linear actuators driven by pressure...
    Parabolic Mirrors - (21 companies)
    Parabolic mirrors offer excellent correction of spherical aberration. Parabolic mirrors can either be on-axis or off-axis. On-axis parabolic mirrors produces collimated reflected light. Off-axis parabolic mirrors focus reflected light to a focal...
    Antenna Design Software - (13 companies)
    Antenna design software is used for the design and electromagnetic analysis of all types of antenna systems, including planar and microstrip antennas, hollow waveguide and horn antennas, and helical antennas. Antenna design software is used...
    Antenna Mounts - (25 companies)
    Antenna mounts are used to hold and support antennas of all sizes and shapes. The antenna collects the electromagnetic signal and sends it to the receiver. There are many types of antennas and mounts including for radio, television, global...
    Chip Antennas - (81 companies)
    Chip antennas are semiconductor ICs used to collect or radiate electromagnetic waves. Chip antennas are a particular type of antenna valued for their small footprint. They are most commonly integrated in circuit boards to radiate high frequency...
    Graduated Cylinders - (66 companies)
    Graduated cylinders are tall, narrow cylinders that are open at the top and used to accurately measure the volume of an object or fluid. They are also known as measuring cylinders. How to Select Graduated Cylinders. Image Credit: Small Parts, Inc...

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