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Products/Services for Septic Tank Worms

  • Worms and Worm Gears-Image
    Worms and Worm Gears - (228 companies)
    Worms and worm gears are gear sets that offer high gear reduction and torque multiplication with a small footprint. A worm drive is a cylindrical gear with a shallow spiral thread that engages the worm gear in a non-intersecting, perpendicular axes...
    Gear Type
    Design Units
  • Storage Tanks and Process Tanks-Image
    Storage Tanks and Process Tanks - (1645 companies)
    Storage tanks and process tanks are bulk containers of varying size and configuration. Storage tanks and process tanks are general purpose industrial containers that can have many configurations depending upon dimensions, orientation, placement...
    Tank Cleaning Machines - (28 companies)
    ...ground fuel storage tanks, and vehicle fuel tanks can require additional equipment to avoid explosions, remove sludge, separate out solids, separate oil from sludge, separate oil-water mixtures and recover or purify stored oils and fuels. Septic tanks...
    Tank Heads - (23 companies)
    Tank heads are the end caps on cylindrically-shaped pressure vessels. They generally comply with ASME standards or similar codes because of the high pressures they must withstand for use with gas storage tanks, driving cylinders, distillation towers...
    Tank Monitoring Systems - (24 companies)
    Tank monitoring systems provide remote tracking of tank fill levels to maximize efficiency and reduce downtime. Tank monitoring systems allow remote tracking of tank fill levels to maximize efficiency and minimize downtime. Monitoring of tanks...
    Spray Tanks and Cups - (49 companies)
    Spray tanks and cups are vessels that hold paints or coatings for use with spray guns, applicators, and atomizers. Some devices are pressurized. There are several basic types of products. Gravity-fed spray tanks and cups are top-mounted vessels...
    Air Compressors - (1114 companies)
    ...for industrial applications. There are three basic types of air compressors: reciprocating, rotary screw, and centrifugal. Reciprocating air compressors use pistons to compress the contents of an air cylinder and force them into a storage tank...
    Liquid Handling Pumps - (2236 companies)
    Industrial liquid handling pumps are classified in many different ways, and are distinguished by the media pumped and the fluid motive mechanism (dynamic or displacement).
    Boxes and Crates - (257 companies)
    For Transmission Or Transfer Assemblies Of Tank And Automotive Vehicles, And Driving Axle Assemblies Of Automotive Vehicles...
    Precast Concrete Products - (197 companies)
    ...and pull boxes; and both utility vaults and utility buildings. Precast concrete products for containing non-contaminating liquids include aeration systems, leaching pits, septic tanks, and water storage tanks. Precast concrete products...

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  • CR4 - Thread: How to Neutralize Bleach?
    The O.P is concerned about the damage to digestive micro organism/ worms in the septic tank , which may get dead by chlorine.
  • http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/90023/890137679-MIT.pdf?sequence=2
    This colony includes Red Wiggler Worms , Dung Beetles, German Cockroaches, Black Soldier Fly Larvae, Woodlice, and bacteria … The aerobic system is preferable to the anaerobic system of septic tanks not only because it produces a soil additive, but also because anaerobic digestion produces a small amount of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas, which has an offensive odor.
  • mweindex_wordnet3.0_semcor1.6.data (edu.mit.jmwe_1.0.0_all.zip)
    … segmental_arch_N 0,0,0,0,0 segmentation_cavity_N 0,0,0,0,0 segmented_ worm _N 0,0 … … 0,0,0,0,0 september_17_N 0,0,0,0,0 september_29_N 0,0,0,0,0 september_elm_N 0,0,0,0,0 september_equinox_N 0,0,0,0,0 septic _sore_throat_N 0,0,0,0,0 septic_ tank _N 0,0,0 …
  • mysql-wn-data.sql (finlayson-gwc2014.zip\wordnet-3.1_snapshot-mysql-wn-2.7.0b.zip)
    … 'segmental'),(116425,'segmental arch'),(116426,'segmentation'),(116427,'segmentation cavity'),(116428,'segmented'),(116429,'segmented worm '),(116430,'segno' … … 117180,'septation'),(117181,'septectomy'),(117182,'september'),(117183,'september 11'),(117184,'september 17'),(117185,'september 29'),(117186,'september elm'),(117187,'september equinox'),(117188,'septenary'),(117189,'septet'),(117190,'septette'),(117191,' septic '),(117192,'septic sore throat'),(117193,'septic tank '),(117194,'septicaemia'),(117195 …
  • mweindex_wordnet1.6_semcor1.6.data (edu.mit.mwe2011.zip)
    … seen_fit_V 2,0,1,0,0 segmentation_cavity_N 0,0,0,0,0 segmented_ worm _N 0,0 … … 0,0,0,0,0 september_17_N 0,0,0,0,0 september_29_N 0,0,0,0,0 september_elm_N 0,0,0,0,0 september_equinox_N 0,0,0,0,0 septic _sore_throat_N 0,0,0,0,0 septic_ tank _N 0,0,0 …
  • Health effects of work at waste water treatment plants: A review of the literature with guidelines for medical surveillance
    … waste, have been implicated in the spread of bacterial, viral, protozoan, fungal, and worm diseases.Classicwater-bornebacterial … Sludge held too long in the final settling tank can become septic , therefore prompt transfer of the material to the digestor is essential.
  • Studies onBeggiatoa : Distribution and growth in aquatic habitats of visakhapatnam
    The same is almost the case with site 1 of the narrow and shallow drain of a septic tank , where B. leptomitiformis trichomes followed, in population, by those of B. alba (3.32 Iz) aad B. mŸ … in association with Thiospira and some other mirtute bacteria, protozoaas, Oscillatoria filaments, nematodes, and even insect worms .
  • Handbook of Helminthiasis for Public Health
    … distribution of mosquitoes and so determines which species acts as vectors of filarial worms for a particular … For example, C. quinquefasciatus (Table 8.1) breeds in the polluted, stagnant water that accumu- lates around the damaged septic tanks , pit latrines, and open drains that are seen all too frequently in urban slums and shanty towns.
  • http://umkn-dsp01.unisa.ac.za/bitstream/handle/10500/6296/dissertation_mohammed_a.pdf?sequence=1
    An estimated 2.6 billion people or 39% of the world’s population lack access to improved facilities for the disposal of human excreta, such as a basic pit latrine, a toilet connected to a septic tank or piped sewer system, or a … … is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, specifically, the incidence of diarrhoea and worm infestation (Shordt 2006b …
  • The potential reuse of biodegradable municipal solid wastes (MSW) as feedstocks in vermicomposting
    Vermicomposting of human faeces has been investigated by several workers.69–71 According to Gajurel et al.,69 the septic tank system could be replaced by a filter vermicomposter for household wastewater pre-treatment, where human excreta would be converted to vermicompost and … … found that the average vermicompost production rate was 0.3 kg cast kg−1 worm day−1; in addition …

Product Announcements
Gear Motions, Inc.
Hangzhou Chinabase Machinery Co., Ltd.
Gear Motions, Inc.