Optimal State Estimation

Chapter 11 - The H8 Filter


The H filter

[Kalman filtering] assumes that the message generating process has a known dynamics and that the exogenous inputs have known statistical properties. Unfortunately, these assumptions limit the utility of minimum variance estimators in situations where the message model and/or the noise descriptions are unknown.

—Uri Shaked and Yahali Theodor [Sha92]

As we have seen in earlier chapters, the Kalman filter is an effective tool for estimating the states of a system. The early success in the 1960s of the Kalman filter in aerospace applications led to attempts to apply it to more common industrial applications in the 1970s. However, these attempts quickly made it clear that a serious mismatch existed between the underlying assumptions of Kalman filters and industrial state estimation problems. Accurate system models are not as readily available for industrial problems. The government spent millions of dollars on the space program in the 1960s (hence the accurate system models), but industry rarely has millions of dollars to spend on engineering problems (hence the inaccurate system models). In addition, engineers rarely understand the statistical nature of the noise processes that impinge on industrial processes. After a decade or so of reappraising the nature and role of Kalman filters, engineers realized they needed a new filter that could handle modeling errors and noise uncertainty. State estimators that can tolerate such uncertainty are called robust. Although robust estimators based on Kalman filter theory can be designed (as seen in Section 10.4), these approaches are somewhat ad-hoc in that they attempt to modify an already existing approach. The H filter was specifically designed for robustness.

In Section 11.1 we derive a different form of the Kalman filter and discuss the limitations of the Kalman filter. Section 11.2 discusses constrained optimization using Lagrange multipliers, which we will need later for our derivation of the H filter. In Section 11.3 we use a game theory approach to derive the discrete-time H filter, which minimizes the worst-case estimation error. This is in contrast to the Kalman filter's minimization of the expected value of the variance of the estimation error. Furthermore, the H filter does not make any assumptions about the statistics of the process and measurement noise (although this information can be used in the H filter if it is available). Section 11.4 presents the continuous-time H filter, and Section 11.5 discusses an alternative method for deriving the H filter using a transfer function approach.


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