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Engineering and Technology Management Tools and Applications

Chapter 16: Information-Technology Management

16.1 Introduction

Since the first appearance of electronic computers in the 1940s, the computer industry has become a multibillion-dollar business. Each day the need for an individual to have a working knowledge of computers to perform various types of tasks is increasing. Some of the factors behind this need are the Internet, client-server systems, and collaborative computing and networking. More specifically, it may be said that information technology (IT) has grown at a rapid pace within 5 decades, and today we are using fourth-generation languages and fifth-generation computer systems. The management of IT is becoming an important factor in the ability of organizations to compete successfully in the global economy. Many forward-thinking organizations have developed IT management goals. For example, the U.S. Department of Defense has developed the following four goals for IT management [1]:

  1. Become a mission partner. This includes actions such as increasing and promoting information technology interaction with mission, facilitating process improvement, and serving mission information users as customers.

  2. Provide services that effectively satisfy customer information requirements. This includes actions such as building architecture and performance infrastructure, upgrading technology base, improving IT management tools, and modernizing and integrating defenseinformation infrastructure.

  3. Reform IT management processes for improving efficiency and mission contribution. This includes actions such as upgrading the ITassociated work force, institutionalizing the IT Management Reform Act provisions, and instituting fundamental IT management reform efforts.

  4. Secure and protect critical-information sources. This is concerned with building information-assurance frameworks, building informationassurance architecture and support services,...


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