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Help with Tableting Presses specifications:

Press Type
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   Briquetter       Briquetters compact a fine, powdered material into briquettes or chunks in order to improve handling, transportation, scrap disposal, storage or secondary processing.  Briquetters often consist of a roller compactor with a serrated roller or a smooth roller combined with a granulator / chopper.  Briquetters that form discrete cylindrical compacts are also available.  Some briquetters are used for fluid extraction and recovery. 
   Pellet Mill       Pellet mills compress or extrude particles or fibrous materials into a cavity or die to form uniform cylindrical pellets.  Compacted pellets are also formed using briquetters or tableting presses.  Extruding pelletizers generate discrete and uniformly sized particles from a melt or a polymer (reclaimed scrap, post consumer or virgin plastic), liquid-solid pastes with a binder or other meltable materials.  The melt or paste is extruded through a die with multiple orifices. The pellet is sheared off or chopped after cooling / drying.  Several types of pelletizers are available such as hot face, air, and cold cutting and underwater.   
   Roller Compactor       Roller compactors use smooth rollers to compact a ceramic or metal powder into a sheet or strip for filter applications, or for clad / bimetal production. 
   Rotary / Multi-station Tableting Press       Punch and die presses with multiple stations or punches for compacting pharmaceuticals into tablets or metal powders into simple flat or multilevel shaped parts like gears, cams, or fittings.  Rotary types have a series of stations or tool sets (dies and punches) arranged in a ring in a rotary turret.  As the turret rotates, a series of cams and press rolls control filling, pressing and ejection.  Pharmaceutical tablet and high volume metal part production facilities often use high-speed automatic rotary presses.     
   Single Station Press       Presses consisting of a single station or tool set (die and punch set) in a die table.  Single action opposed ram press use a die with both upper and lower punches. Anvil type presses have only a die and single lower punch.  Single station compacting presses are available in several types basic types such as cam, toggle / knuckle and eccentric / crank presses with varying capabilities such as single action, double action, floating die, movable platen, opposed ram, screw, impact, hot pressing, coining or sizing. 
   Other       Any unlisted, proprietary, or specialized tableting or powder press. 
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   Abrasives / Ceramics       Equipment suitable for high hardness materials such as abrasives, ceramics, ferrites / magnetic materials, or refractories.  Tableting or powder compacting presses are used for simple flat shaped parts like ceramic washers.  Hot or cold isostatic presses are used to produce more complex shapes like ceramic tubes or to increase final density. 
   Aerospace Castings       Hot isostatic presses are commonly used to eliminate internal porosity in as-cast components as well as creep induced porosity in jet engine blades or other aerospace components. 
   Carbides / Cutting Tools       Carbide parts and cutting tools are typically fabricated with compacting equipment.  The pressing and sintering process maintains a fine crystal size that improves wear resistance and toughness.  Simple carbides or cutting tool shapes are processed with tableting or powder compacting presses.  Hot or cold isostatic presses are used to produce more complex shapes or to increase final density. 
   Carbon / Graphite       Carbon or graphite does not melt and must be compacted into shape along with binders for use in graphite motor brushes or battery components.   
   Chemicals / Detergents       Equipment suitable for compaction of fertilizers, waxes, salts, or other inorganic or organic chemicals. 
   Coal / Coke / Charcoal       Equipment for compacting or briquetting coal, coke, or charcoal.   
   Electronic Materials       Compaction of powders to provide electronic or semiconductor materials that cannot be formed through a conventional fusion process. Also includes the compaction of electronic or semiconductor materials in a preform shape for subsequent processing. 
   Explosives / Pyrotechnics       Gunpowder (black powder), smokeless powder, solid rocket propellants consist of mixtures of powdered binders, carbon / charcoal, sulfur, nitrates, reactive metal powders (titanium, aluminum) and/or an oxygen source (chlorates).  Presses are used to form these materials into a more easily handled pellet or cylindrical form or to a specific density to control combustion. 
   Ferrites / Magnets       Metallic or ceramic (ferrite) magnetic powders are often compacted or formed using tableting presses.  Ferrites are oxide compounds of iron or other metallic elements that exhibit magnetism due to alignment of spin dipoles of shielded electrons.  
   Fibrous Materials / Textiles       Compacting equipment for fibrous materials like cotton / cloth, synthetic / plastic, or cellulose fibers.  Balers are typically used to palletize these types of materials. 
   Food Processing       Equipment for compacting solid and liquid-solid mixtures of food products such as cocoa, salt, grain, milk, dried potatoes, apples, sugar, spices, vegetables, or other foods. 
   Hazardous Solid Waste       Balers or other compacting equipment to process metal, paper, or other scrap materials or waste into a more compact and easy to handle form. 
   Laboratory / Analytical       Equipment for laboratory applications such as process parameter studies, material development or for preparation of analytical samples. 
   Mining / Ores / Minerals       Compactors for ores and minerals for subsequent transport, granulation or extraction processing. 
   Nuclear Fuel       Nuclear fuel uranium dioxide is typically formed into cylindrical pellets that are loaded into zirconium tubes. Tableting or powder compacting presses are used for simple flat shaped parts like pellets.  Hot or cold isostatic presses are used to produce more complex shapes or increase final density. 
   Pharmaceutical / Sanitary       Equipment for pharmaceuticals or other sanitary applications. Tableting presses are commonly used to produce pills or tablets.  The equipment is constructed of an easily sterilized material and is designed specifically for hygienic purposes such as medical, pharmaceutical, or food processing applications.  Usually the equipment is certified by a national or international organization (USDA, FDA, etc.), but this is not required. 
   Polymers / Plastics       Equipment for forming compacts from polymers that cannot be melted such as polytetrafluoroethylene (e.g., PTFE, Teflon®).  
   Powdered Metals       Equipment for the compacting of alloyed or blended elemental metal powders.  Tableting or powder compacting presses are used for simple flat or multilevel shaped parts like gears or cams.  Hot or cold isostatic presses are used to produce more complex shapes or increase final density.  Powder rolling or roll compacting equipment is used to produce continuous sheets of metals for filter applications or with multiple composition layers. 
   Pulp and Paper       Equipment for compaction or pelletizing cellulose feeds, pulp or paper resins for production of paper, paperboard, particle board and other paper products. 
   Refractories       Refractories are metals or inorganic materials (bonded aluminum oxide, silicon carbide) with adequate strength at elevated temperatures. Refractories typically have high melting points, modulus, hardness and abrasiveness materials making a powder fabrication route an attractive choice.  Tableting or powder compacting presses are used for simple flat shaped parts like ceramic washers.  Hot or cold isostatic presses are used to produce more complex shapes like ceramic tubes or to increase final density. 
   Rubber       Balers are often used to palletize rubber, elastomeric materials, or scrap tires. 
   Saw Dust / Biomass       Equipment for compacting woodchips, sawdust, or waste into pellets or other forms for reuse. 
   Other       Any unlisted, proprietary, or specialized application. 
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Maximum Force
   Maximum Operating Force       The maximum operating press load or force required to reach the desired density during part production. Press Load = Required compaction pressure (psi) for the material x Part's Projected Area (sq. in.) 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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Production Rate
   Bulk Production Rate       The number of kilograms per hour that can be processed through the equipment. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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Diameter / Width Capacity
   Diameter / Width Capacity:       The maximum internal diameter of the die cavity that can be used in the uniaxial or tableting press. For isostatic presses, the internal diameter of the chamber determines the diameter or width capacity.  For briquetting presses, the roll diameter is stated here, since the cavity can vary dynamically. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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Depth / Fill Capacity Force is applicable to tableting presses and roll compactors or briquetters.   Pressure is applicable to isostatic presses.
   Depth / Fill Capacity:       The maximum internal length of the die cavity that can be used in the uniaxial or tableting press. For isostatic presses, the internal length of the chamber determines the diameter or width capacity.  On briquetting presses, the spacing range of rolls determines the thickness range of compacted sheet. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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Spiroflow Systems, Inc.