Products/Services for Micro Stirling Engines

    Stirling Engines - (8 companies)
    Stirling engines produce mechanical power through cyclical compression and expansion of compressible fluids, such as air and gases, by interaction with a heat source. Stirling engines can utilize heat from many sources, including burning gas...
  • Combustion Engines-Image
    Combustion Engines - (255 companies)
    ...which does the work. Stirling Engines. Stirling engines are single-phase external combustion engines which use air, helium, or hydrogen as the working fluid. Every Stirling engine has a sealed cylinder with one part hot and the other cold. The working...
  • Micro Connectors and Nano Connectors-Image
    Micro Connectors and Nano Connectors - (99 companies)
    Micro connectors and nano connectors exhibit contact pitches of 0.05'' (micro) and 0.025'' (nano), respectively. Image Credit: ITT Cannon. Micro connectors and nano connectors exhibit contact pitches of 0.05 ” (micro) and 0.025 ” (nano...
  • Micro-dispensing Valves-Image
    Micro-dispensing Valves - (15 companies)
    Micro-dispensing valves have micro-liter or nano-liter dispensing capabilities and dispensing frequencies in the cycles/sec (Hz) range. They often have interfaces for integration into circuit boards and are used in inkjet printers. Micro...
    Engine and Engine Component Repair Services - (107 companies)
    Engine repair and engine component repair services provide repair and rebuild services for rotating and stationary engine components. Having a clean engine is an important aspect of owning a vehicle or piece of equipment, which means that proper...
    Engine Starters - (60 companies)
    Description. Engine starters provide the initial rotation for internal combustion engines. They cause the pistons to move before ignition, enabling the engine to turn over so that it can then operate under its own power. Engine starters...
    Micro Machining Services - (172 companies)
    Micro machining services perform precision machining on small parts to integrate detail. Micro machining services perform precision machining operations on small parts to achieve intricate details. They perform machining activities such as: drilling...
    Search Engine Software - (13 companies)
    Search engine software is used to index information on a website or intranet. Algorithms help users search a large corpus of data by keyword or a set of terms. The results are then presented in a prioritized list. Typically, search engine software...
    Online Directories and Search Engines - (408 companies)
    Online directories list companies on web sites that focus on specific industries or segments. Search engines provide targeted web results based on keywords and other advanced criteria. Online directories and search engines provide links to websites...
    Tubing - (2354 companies)
    Tubes are hollow cylinders used for fluid transport, structural applications, or electrical sheathing. They are usually cylindrical in shape, but may have round, rectangular, or square cross-sections.

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3X Motion Technologies Co., Ltd
3X Motion Technologies Co., Ltd
Pacific International Bearing, Inc.
Pacific International Bearing, Inc.