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  • Transport and storage logistics
    Which planting possibilities for transport good are by compressed air conveyors there?
  • Dryer
    …i, n, u, i, e, r, 1i c, h e W a s c h - u n d T r o k - k, e, n, a, n, 1a g, e consisting of box feeder , Wascbbad of pneumatic press , plucking machine and the…
  • Dubbel
    …scattered light method W 10 bar codes W 11 bar scales W 7 stroboskopische measurement W 13 flow, ideal gases D 16 flow in lines with not vollkreisförmigen cross-sections B 51 flow conveyors U 60 -, compressed air -conveying installations U 60…
  • Vie path manual mechanical engineering
    Work deviating of the so far described methods pressure vessel conveyors with a ,,pneumatischen transmitter " that to sluice the tasks of the cell wheel sluice, the conveying good in the conveying line the pressure supply of the conveying line temporally successively…
  • Trend in the industrialist dividing cleaning - does carbon dioxide have Which potential?
    This become in a beam apparatus the compressed air flow over hole discs or the screw conveyors fed and transported for nozzle output.
  • Small communications
    Dry fibers become getrAnkte dutch F6rderschnecken through compressed air or thrust feeders eingeffihrt.
  • Development of compressed air cooling and drying on the example of dysentery mining
    The effect is after Schulz at machines, that of the söhligen promotion serves ( compressed air locomotives, shaking slip, belt conveyor etc.) or make the comminution work (cutting machines drills etc.) relatively little because the total compressed air work over friction in heat…