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Corona Predictive Maintenance and Condition Monitoring Systems

9 Results
Aerial Corona Camera Core -- DayCor® ROMeye HD
from OFIL Systems

ROMeye HD is a corona imager that incorporates a UVc detector and a HD visible camera allowing seeing UV corona discharges in daylight and recording their sight. Corona is invisible to the human eye and can only be seen with bi-spectral UV-Visible corona imagers. ROMeye HD is a high-end camera core... [See More]

  • Monitored Properties: Remote Visu; Corona
  • Technology: Wireless
Corona Camera Core -- DayCor® RANGEReye HD
from OFIL Systems

RANGEReyeHD is a corona imager that incorporates a UVc detector and a HD visible camera that enable seeing and recording corona discharges in daylight. Corona, which is invisible to the human eye, can be seen only with bi-spectral UV-Visible corona cameras. RANGEReyeHD is a high definition, highly... [See More]

  • Monitored Properties: Remote Visu; Corona
  • Technology: Wireless
Fully Automatic Stand Alone Corona Inspection Systems -- DayCor® RAILHD
from OFIL Systems

DayCor ® RailHD is an automatic autonomous corona and arcing partial discharge detection system designed for fast inspection of electrified railways. The system inspects, displays, processes, records and generates reports for prognosis of the electrical traction condition. RAIL HD is offered as... [See More]

  • Monitored Properties: Remote Visu; Corona
Detection of Partial Discharges
from SONOTEC Ultraschallsensorik Halle GmbH

The regular inspection of equipment is essential for preventative maintenance. The early detection of damages or signs of wear leads to increased operational reliability and considerable cost savings. Used in combination with a SONAPHONE device, the SONOSPOT detects otherwise difficult to reach or... [See More]

  • Monitored Properties: Acoustic Monitoring; Corona; Voltage / Amperage / Resistivity
Digital Ultrasonic Detection System -- Ultraprobe® 9000
from UE Systems, Inc.

All the advantages of Digital with the feel of Analog. The Ultraprobe 9000 Kit Complete is a digital ultrasonic inspection, information storage and retrieval system that is so versatile, so easy (most operators are able to use the Ultraprobe 9000 within 15 minutes) and so much fun to operate, you'll... [See More]

  • Monitored Properties: Acceleration / Vibration; Acoustic Monitoring; Corona; Voltage / Amperage / Resistivity; Pressure; Digital Ultrasonic Inspection, Information, Storage And Retrieval System
  • Technology: Wired
Compact Ultrasonic Testing Device for Preventitive Maintenance -- Sonus PD
from IRISS, Inc.

The SONUS PD is specifically designed for Partial Discharge (PD) and Airborne Emission (AE) detection on Medium and High Voltage Switchgear. The unit detects Transient Earth Voltage (TEV) signals generated by internal partial discharge as well as ultrasound acoustic discharge generated by surface... [See More]

  • Monitored Properties: Acoustic Monitoring; Corona
  • Technology: Wireless
Digital Ultrasonic Inspection System -- Ultraprobe® 15,000 Touch
from UE Systems, Inc.

What would the future be like if equipment was tested so effectively, so safely, so intuitively that catastrophic failure and energy waste became terms of the past?For the past three decades, the manufacturers at UE Systems have been working on a super detection system that combines state-of-the-art... [See More]

  • Monitored Properties: Acoustic Monitoring; Remote Visu; Corona; Voltage / Amperage / Resistivity; Pressure; Speed; Temperature; On-board Spectrum Analysis, Record, Take Pictures, Take Temperature Readings
Ultrasonic Testing Device for Preventitive Maintenance -- Sonus XT
from IRISS, Inc.

The versatility of Sonus XT makes it ideally suited to work with any plant maintenance program and the perfect complement to other Predictive Maintenance (PDM) Technology. Ultrasound detection can be utilized to detect early warning signs of equipment failure and to conduct energy conservation... [See More]

  • Monitored Properties: Acoustic Monitoring; Corona; Voltage / Amperage / Resistivity
Electric Cabinet Monitor -- ECM 586
from UE Systems, Inc.

The UE ECM-586 is a continuous monitor designed to detect the onset of arcing, tracking and corona. This unit has a 0-10 V DC, 4-20 mA and Heterodyned (translated) output proportional to the received ultrasound that will help alarm potential failure conditions and prevent an arc flash incident. [See More]

  • Monitored Properties: Acoustic Monitoring; Corona; Voltage / Amperage / Resistivity; Monitors Enclosed Electrical Equipment For The Onset Of Corona, Tracking And Arcing.
  • Technology: Wired