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Conduct Research Top

  • Vehicle Emissions Dynamometer Calibration Properly Monitored
    CAS DataLoggers is here to show you how the Influx Rebel LT Data Logger properly monitors a vehicles emissions dynamometer calibration procedure of a manufacturer's equipment plant.
  • Stretching a Standard Dynamometer to Reach a 45% Increase in Power Absorption
    Froude's F84 hydraulic dyno is the largest standard offering with a power rating of 12MW. Froude was challenged to develop a solution to stretch the standard dynamometer to reach 17.5 MW.
  • How to Choose a Dyno
    Dynamometers are available in many types and sizes to fit a very wide variety of uses. To know which dynamometer is best, certain criteria must first be determined. Your Go Power Systems Sales Engineers will help you determine which dynamometer will best fit your specific testing requirements.
  • Torque Sensor Application - Low Capacity
    The typical application of these products include measurements dynamometers, tool dulling indicator, motor quality control or conversion of rotary to reaction torque.
  • What are Force Gauges?
    Jonard Force Gauges (also referred to as Dynamometer or Tension Gauges) are all ergonomically designed industry standards for measuring force.
  • Measuring Torsional Crank Shaft Jitter
    Using Prosig's P8000 series data acquisition system with DATS signal analysis software, torsional analysis (crank jitter) was performed on an automotive engine attached to an engine dynamometer. The significance of this is that only one tachometer channel was required to identify crank jitter.
  • Can Lifeboat Engines Be Tested Without Launching?
    A leading developer of lifeboats needed a reliable and repeatable dynamometer solution for testing lifeboat engines in situ. Traditional methods of launching a boat and testing in the water were logistically impractical and expensive. The system had to be non-invasive, portable, and adaptable
  • Trim and Draw with Variable Speed Drives
    Typically, most variable speed applications simply require that the speed of the motor driving the load be controlled to some degree against a known reference. Examples are abundant when applied to pumps, conveyors, dynamometers, mixers, and many more. In some applications however, controlling
  • Outer PI Loop Considerations
    Typically, most variable speed applications are just that, and require that the speed of the motor driving the load be controlled to some degree against a known reference. Examples are abundant when applied to pumps, conveyors, dynamometers, mixers, and many more. However, in some applications
  • Small Motor Efficiency Measurements Using the Teledyne LeCroy Motor Drive Analyzer
    LeCroy Motor Drive Analyzer measures drive and motor efficiency at a bench without an expensive and/or scarce dynamometer.
  • The Mechanical Hybrid Vehicle, an investigation of a vehicular regenerative energy capture system
    on the system presented in [1] and [2], although the vehicle itself is replaced by a dynamometer that mimics the behaviour of a vehicle. In this way, the scale physical model becomes a fixed installation suitable for placing in a laboratory.
  • How to Select Your Positorq Brake
    The Positorq brake can be used for three major types of applications: To supply constant tension for unwind applications in industries such as paper, foil, steel, coating, plating, etc. As an energy absorber (Dynamometer) to create a known controlled load on a system, usually for testing purposes
  • Torque Sensor Application - Precision & Maintenance
    The typical application of these products include measurements dynamometers, tool dulling indicator, motor quality control or conversion of rotary to reaction torque. Load Cell | Bending Beam Load Cell | Canister Load Cell | Column Load Cell | Compression Load Cell | Custom Load Cell | Donut Load
  • Diesel Engine Manufacturing
    distributor. This testing is normally done on engine dynamometers or test stands that measure a number of operating parameters to determine overall engine performance including "net fuel consumption".