Products/Services for Inlet Guide Vane Gas Turbines

  • Steam and Gas Turbines-Image
    Steam and Gas Turbines - (75 companies)
    Steam turbines and gas turbines are rotating machines that extract energy from pressurized steam and/or from combustion gases. Types of Steam and Gas Turbines There are two basic types of steam turbines: impulse and reaction. Impulse turbines...
  • Turbine Pumps-Image
    Turbine Pumps - (250 companies)
    Turbine pumps are centrifugal pumps that use pressure in combination with a rotary mechanism to transfer fluid. They typically employ blade geometry, which causes fluid circulation around the vanes to add pressure from inlet to outlet. Turbine pumps...
  • Gas Compressors and Gas Compressor Systems-Image
    Gas Compressors and Gas Compressor Systems - (319 companies)
    ...through the system by the motion of rotating lobes, screws, or vanes. Dynamic compressors, including axial and centrifugal systems, are another type of compressor. Gas compressors use a variety of technologies to compress gas. Axial: Multiple-blade...
  • Centrifugal Pumps-Image
    Centrifugal Pumps - (1170 companies)
    ...pumps. For more information on regenerative turbine pumps, visit GlobalSpec's Turbine Pump Selection Guide page. For a more in depth discussion of impeller design and other pump components, visit GlobalSpec's Pump Components page. Materials. Pumps...
  • Combustion Engines-Image
    Combustion Engines - (257 companies)
    ...are internal combustion engines where the products of combustion are directed in a turbine inside the engine. The gas flow spins the blades of a turbine which generates power or does other mechanical work. They are smaller than most equivalent reciprocating...
    Fans and Blowers (industrial) - (1531 companies)
    With centrifugal fans, the fan blade rotates perpendicular to the air flow. Types of centrifugal fans. Video credit: ebm-papst ANZ / CC BY 3.0. Crossflow fans draw air from the full radial inlet site of a rotating vane and expel the air on the opposite side...
    Liquid Handling Pumps - (2266 companies)
    ...ejector, reversible centrifugal, gas lift, hydraulic ram, and electromagnetic pumps. For more information on centrifugal pumps, visit the How to Select Centrifugal Pumps page on Engineering360. Positive Displacement. Positive displacement pumps provide...
    Vacuum Pumps and Vacuum Generators - (846 companies)
    ...mathematically by the equation: S = Q/P. where S is pumping speed, Q is throughput of the gas load (described below), and P is the inlet pressure of the gas . A pump's maximum achievable pumping speed is always referred to as its rated pumping speed...
    Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps and Systems - (178 companies)
    ...displacement pumps. Rotary vane vacuum pumps create regions of low pressure by moving fluid using a rotating vane assembly in the pumping chamber. Typically there are two or more rotating vanes that move the gas or fluid from inlet to outlet. Rotary vane...
    Hydro Turbines - (55 companies)
    These hydro turbines do not require high flow-rates and include Pelton turbines. Reaction turbines produce power from the pressure of water flowing through guide vanes to move runners. The guide vanes change the direction of the flow and cause the water...

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Engineered Materials, a subsidiary of PPG's aerospace division
Engineered Materials, a subsidiary of PPG's aerospace division
Zhuhai Jinwo Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Jinwo Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Jinwo Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.