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Discharge Size:


Maximum Discharge Flow:

Maximum Discharge Pressure:

Power Source:

Pump Type / Application:

Help with Centrifugal Pumps specifications:

   Discharge Size       Size of the pump discharge or outlet connection. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Horsepower       Horsepower (hp) is a unit in the foot-pound-second (fps) or English system. Used to express the rate at which mechanical energy is expended. Horsepower is the work done at the rate of 550 foot-pounds per second and it is equivalent to 745.7 watts. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Maximum Discharge Flow       The maximum flow the pump is designed to generate. This value is dependent on the system or pressure head the pump must enter. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Maximum Discharge Pressure       The maximum pressure the pump is designed to generate.  
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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Power Source
   Your choices are...         
   None, Pump Only       Pump mechanism only. The pump is not supplied with a power source. Typically, a drive shaft for connection of motor or other power source is provided. 
   AC Powered       Pump operates on a form of AC voltage. 
   DC Powered       Pump operates on a form of DC voltage. 
   Air / Pneumatic       Pump is powered by a compressed air source. 
   Gasoline / Diesel Engine       Pump is powered by either a gasoline or diesel engine. 
   Hydraulic       Pump is powered by a hydraulic system.  
   Manual       Pump is driven manually by hand or foot power. 
   Natural Gas       Pump is powered by natural gas. 
   Solar Powered       A pump that gets its power from solar energy. 
   Steam       Pump is powered by steam. 
   Water       Pump is powered by a flowing or pressurized water source. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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Pump Type / Application
   Your choices are...         
   Bilge / Ballast Pumps       Pumps used onboard boats and ships to remove water from the bilge or to load or remove water for ballast. 
   Cantilever Pumps       Motor and seals are kept away from the pumped media. The pump has an elongated drive shaft and is submerged in the media. They have no submerged seals, bearings, bushings, or suction check valves. The cantilever or overhung shaft is supported by heavy-duty ball bearings that are located above the pumped liquid.  
   Circulation Pumps       Pumps that are used to keep media circulating through the distribution or process system. 
   Condensate Pumps       Pumps that transport or collect and transport condensate collected from a steam system back into the system for reheating and reuse. These pumps close the boiler/steam/condensate loop by returning hot condensate back to the system. This takes advantage of valuable BTUs, which would otherwise go to waste. Or pumps for removal of unwanted condensate from an HVAC or appliance collection pan. 
   Dewatering Pumps       Designed for clear water applications (agricultural, industrial, and residential). As a general rule, dewatering pumps are limited to a 10% solids concentration and a solids size of 1/4 the diameter of the suction inlet. For applications requiring greater solids handling capability, trash pumps should be used. 
   Drum Pumps       Drum pumps are designed to transport or dispense the contents of drums, pails, or tanks. Pumps are driven by a variety of methods including hand operated, electric, pneumatic, and hydraulic driven motors. Explosive environments or flammable fluids may require an intrinsically safe actuation method. 
   Fire Service Pumps       Pumps that are used for the supply of water/media for firefighting equipment.  
   Flexible Impeller Pumps       Flexible impeller pumps contain an elastomeric impeller that traps fluid between blades and sweeps it through the pump housing. These low-cost utility pumps are ideal for general transfer. 
   Fountain Pumps       Pumps that are designed to supply flow to fountains. Fountains are used for esthetic purposes, as well as aeration in residential, commercial, and industrial applications. 
   Grinder Pumps       A mechanical device that shreds solids and raises sewage to a higher elevation through pressure sewers. A sewage grinder pump will discharge a finely ground slurry into a small diameter pressure pipe. In a low-pressure sewer system (LPSS) the piping downstream of the grinder pump will typically be under low pressure, 60psi or less. 
   Immersible Pumps       A pump in which the pumping mechanism only can be subjected to immersion in the media. Motors are kept away from media by a sealed barrier. 
   Lift Stations       A pump station that contains pumps, valves and electrical equipment necessary to pump water or wastewater. 
   Macerator Pumps       Macerator pumps are designed to empty holding tanks of sewage. They typically include a bronze cutter to grind waste down to a small particle size. 
   Magnetic Drive       Magnetic drive pumps are operated using a magnetic or electromagnetic drive. They are ideally suited to a variety of applications including laboratory, production line, chemical processing, general transfer utility, as well as OEM applications. 
   Micro Pumps       Micro pumps are essential for moving fluids in miniaturized systems. The working principal of a typical micro pump involves interaction of a flexible structure with the working fluid. The flexible structure is deformed using some actuation technique (e.g. piezoelectric or electrostatic actuation) and the deformation provides a positive displacement action for moving the working fluid. 
   Pool Pumps       Pumps that are used for circulation and filtration of pool water.  Typically supplied with features like filters and strainers. 
   Sanitary Pumps       Sanitary pumps are made of materials and constructed in design so that they are readily cleanable. They are widely used in the dairy, food processing, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and other industries where cleanliness is a concern. 
   Split Case Pumps       Split case pumps are larger pumps that are used for high flow applications. "Split case" describes the pump housing design.  The case around the impeller or pumping mechanism is comprised of two parts that bolt or assemble together. These pumps come in vertical and horizontal configurations. 
   Submersible Pumps       These pumps are mounted in the tank with the solution. The motor is normally contained in an oil filled cavity that is protected for contact with the liquid by a lip or mechanical seal. They can be designed to pump large solids or grind solids to smaller sizes, transfer wastewater at large flow rates or high pressures, or just pick up water off the floor or the bottom of a tank. 
   Sump Pumps       A sump pump is an automatic water pump installed in a contained compartment to remove unwanted water build-up that threatens to encroach on living or equipment space. 
   Wastewater Treatment Pumps       All types of pumps used in the process of wastewater treatment. 
   Water Pumps       All types of pumps used to pump water. 
   Wastewater       The spent or used water of a community or industry that contains dissolved and suspended matter. 
   Well Pumps       Pumps used for the extraction of water or slurry from the ground. 
   Other       Other unlisted or specialized pumps. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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