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Products/Services for Isostatic Laminator

  • Laminators and Laminating Machines-Image
    Laminators and Laminating Machines - (263 companies)
    Laminators and laminating machines, or presses, bond together layers of materials such as plastic films on: glass wood other substrates Laminating machines range from hydraulic platen presses and roll laminators to large, continuous roll...
  • Isostatic Presses-Image
    Isostatic Presses - (33 companies)
    ...as 100,000 psi. CIP applications Advantages of cold isostatic presses include the creation of product with uniform density, which leads to a reduction of internal stresses, eliminating cracks, strains and laminations. They also press products that have...
  • Presses (metalworking)-Image
    Presses (metalworking) - (518 companies)
    Industrial presses (metalworking) use a ram to shear, punch, form or assemble metal or other material by means of cutting, shaping, or combination dies attached to slides. Examples include die cutting machines, forming and bending machines, punch presses, shop presses, sheet metal equipment, stamping presses, and wire forming machines.
  • Laminating Services-Image
    Laminating Services - (256 companies)
    Laminating services bond two or more layers of material into a laminated composite sheet or web. They use standard thermal laminating films, low-temperature thermal laminating films, heat-assisted laminating films, pressure-sensitive films...
  • Cold Isostatic Pressing Services-Image
    Cold Isostatic Pressing Services - (8 companies)
    Cold isostatic pressing services apply extremely high pressures using cold isostatic pressing (CIP) or similar technologies to sterilize products or cold compact powders. Supplier specifications include service capabilities, materials processed...
    Hot Isostatic Pressing Services - (26 companies)
    Hot isostatic pressing services apply high pressures and/or temperature to form near net shapes, densify parts, diffusion bond materials, remove internal porosity, and improve the integrity of engineered components. Hot isostatic pressing or HIP...
    RF and Microwave Laminates - (37 companies)
    RF and microwave laminates are used as substrates for radio frequency (RF) and microwave communication systems and electronics. They are designed to meet the demanding performance standards for higher-frequency applications. RF and microwave...
    Laminating Adhesives and Composite Resins - (167 companies)
    Laminating adhesives and composite resins are cured using heat and/or heat and pressure. Laminating adhesives and composite resins are cured using heat and/or heat and pressure. They are used for high load assemblies and in severe service conditions...
    Industrial Ceramic Materials - (384 companies)
    Industrial ceramic materials are non-metallic, inorganic compounds that include oxides, carbides, or nitrides. They have high melting points, low wear resistance, and a wide range of electrical properties.
    Dielectric Ceramics and Substrates - (150 companies)
    Dielectric ceramics and substrates are electrical insulators with dielectric strength, dielectric constant and loss tangent values tailored for specific device applications.

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Savage Engineering, Inc.
PCE Instruments / PCE Americas Inc.