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Conduct Research Top

  • Oxygen Depletion Sensor vs. Carbon Monoxide Detector
    If you own a propane space heater, a vent-free heater or a vent-free fireplace, chances are it has an oxygen depletion sensor (ODS). These sensors are added to shut the fuel off if the oxygen level in the air gets too low.
  • Oxygen Depletion Sensor Applications
    The term "oxygen depletion" is used to refer to any amount of oxygen less than 21% oxygen by volume in fresh air. The "sensor" is the device that measures those oxygen levels.
  • Non-depleting Oxygen Sensor Technology Versus Electrochemical Oxygen Sensing
    In this interview, AZoSensors talks to Andrew Cumming of SST Sensing about the differences, and respective benefits, between electrochemical oxygen sensing technology and non-depleting oxygen sensor technology.
  • LuminOx Outperforms Electrochemical Oxygen Sensors
    Oxygen detection has historically relied on electrochemical technologies based on the depletion of lead. Increased demand and growing legislative and commercial restrictions have driven an alternative product development from SST sensing. LuminOx is a compact fluorescence based sensor with built-in

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