Products/Services for Precast Concrete Foundation Piers

    Piers and Docks - (38 companies)
    Piers and docks are structural walk paths over water. The lighter structure of piers and docks allows tides and currents to flow almost unhindered, whereas the more solid foundations of a quay or closely-spaced piles of a wharf can act...
    Concrete Construction and Foundation Services - (619 companies)
    ...or if exposured to chemicals. Signs of foundation damage include cracking, bowing, or buckling in walls. Concrete construction and foundation services often provide repair and restoration services to fix degradation. Steel push piers or helical piers can...
    Formwork - (153 companies)
    Formwork are temporary or permanent concrete forms for building structures from concrete. Basic specifications for concrete forms include height, width, and hole pattern. Face sheet, bracing, side rail, bushings, and welding are also important...
    Precast Concrete Products - (197 companies)
    Precast concrete products are prefabricated shapes manufactured from cast and cured cement and aggregate mixtures. They are produced in plants and factories and ready for on-site installation. Precast concrete products are made from precast concrete...
  • Bollards-Image
    Bollards - (207 companies)
    ...aesthetic benefits, typically, bollards are used to protect pedestrians and buildings from vehicles and military installations from attack. They are also used to secure ships and boats to piers and docks. Some bollards are cylindrical and have a domed...
    Concrete Blocks and Cement Blocks - (171 companies) organizations such as the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). The National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA) also provides voluntary factory certification programs. These programs are designed...
    Specialty Cement, Concrete, and Mortar - (272 companies)
    Specialty cement, concrete and mortar contain specialized binders such as K silicate, calcium aluminate, sulfur, and oxysulfate or polymer resins. They cure or set through film drying (air setting), chemical reactions, thermoset bonds, hydraulic...
    Cement, Concrete, and Mortar - (591 companies)
    Cement, concrete and mortar are polymer or cement-based binders, compounds or aggregate mixtures for joining components and forming structures. Cement, concrete, and mortar are polymer or cement-based binders, compounds, or aggregate mixtures...
    Polymer Concrete and Mortar - (127 companies)
    Polymer concrete and mortar are binders, compounds, and aggregate mixtures that use epoxy, polyester, vinyl ester or other polymer resin bonds. They cure or set through chemical reactions, thermoset bonds, and multiple component binder systems...
    Concrete Mixers - (113 companies)
    ...concrete mixers are known for high intensity mixing and short batch times. They are commonly used for mixing high strength concrete, often in batches of 2-6 m3. Vertical axis mixers include pan and planetary mixers, and are typically used for precast...

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