Products/Services for Tgs 800 Gas Sensors

  • Gas Sensors-Image
    Gas Sensors - (570 companies)
    Image Credit: Rosemount Analytical | Mettler-Toledo Process Analytics Gas sensors interact with a gas to initiate the measurement of its concentration. The gas sensor...
    Number of Gases Sensed
    Measurement Type
    General Gas Types
  • Gas Instruments-Image
    Gas Instruments - (899 companies) for multiple types of gas sensors, redundant sensors for the same gas, or for placing sensors throughout a location to get sampling at many different spots. Other factors to consider are response time, maximum distance from leak that the detector...
  • Gas Transmitters-Image
    Gas Transmitters - (109 companies)
    Gas transmitters consist of an enclosure, sensor, and electronics that convert a signal from a gas sensor into an analog output signal (typically 4-20 mA). Gas transmitters consist of an enclosure, sensor, and electronics that convert a signal from...
  • Gas Valves-Image
    Gas Valves - (509 companies)
    Gas valves are used to handle and control the flow of gaseous media such as liquefied petroleum and natural gas. They are made of metal or plastic and vary in terms of valve size, pressure rating, number of ports, and flow. Gas valves are flow...
  • Gas Flow Meters-Image
    Gas Flow Meters - (417 companies)
    Gas flow meters are used for measuring the flow or quantity of a moving gas in an enclosed pipe or passage. How to Select Gas Flow Meters. Image Credit: OMEGA Engineering Inc., Aalborg Instruments, Clark Solutions. Gas flow meters are used...
    Pressure Sensors - (1141 companies)
    Hydrogen and gases are very compressible, and they completely fill any closed vessels in which they are places. Abrasive or corrosive liquids and gases include hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric acid, bleach, bromides, and waste water. Pressure sensors made...
    Volumetric Gas Flow Switches - (70 companies)
    ...switches include. Gas volumetric flow rate range - Gas volumetric flow rate range is the range of flow in volume/time. This specification applies to volumetric flow sensors and meters for liquids. Operating temperature - Operating temperature...
    Vibration Sensors - (230 companies)
    ...sensor characteristics; for example, the very slow rotation of turbines in the mining and wind power industries results in the use of a vibration sensor with a very low frequency response of around 1 Hz or less. In contrast, the oil and gas industry...
    Gas Pressure Regulators - (282 companies)
    Gas pressure regulators reduce the pressure of a gas, as it passes through a cylinder or process line, to another piece of equipment. Regulators are not flow control devices. They are used to control delivery pressure only. Gas pressure regulators...
    Gas Chromatographs - (151 companies)
    Gas chromatographs separate organic chemical mixtures according to physical properties. Instruments consist of a flowing mobile phase, an injection port, a separation column with a stationary phase, and a detector. Differences in partitioning...

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