Instrumentation and equipment used to control the properties and degree of purity of air. These types of equipment include dust collectors, oxidizers, scrubbers and adsorption equipment.
Air Quality Categories
Acoustic Horns (32 suppliers)
Acoustic horns are relatively low-frequency horns that produce vibration at frequencies that will loosen and clean soot or other undesirable particulate buildup on chimneys, catalyst beds, or other process vessels.
Adsorption Equipment (84 suppliers)
Adsorption equipment is used to bind molecules or particles to a surface. This process is used for the reclamation or remediation of process effluents including wastewater, liquid, gas, vapor, air, and contaminated soil.
Air Biofilters (24 suppliers)
Air biofilters use microorganisms to capture and biologically degrade air pollutants, such as VOCs and odors.
Air Filters (industrial) (935 suppliers)
Industrial air filters reduce the number of particles in the air that passes through them.
Air Purifiers (285 suppliers)
Air purifiers re-circulate, filter and purify air for process and environmental applications.
Baghouses and Baghouse Filters (147 suppliers)
Baghouses, also called fabric dust collectors or fabric filters, are air pollution control devices designed to use fabric filter tubes, envelopes, or cartridges to capture or separate dust and other particulate matter (PM).
Compressed Air Filters (512 suppliers)
Compressed air filters are used to remove water, oil, oil vapor, dirt, and other contaminants from a compressed air supply.
Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) (42 suppliers)
Continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) are used for the evaluation of pollutants from a gaseous exhaust. An integrated scheme of instrument hardware and a data acquisition system allows the operator to repeatedly measure emissions to remain within environmental regulatory compliance that has been established by legislation.
Cyclone Separators (109 suppliers)
Cyclone separators and centrifugal separators utilize centrifugal, gravitational, and inertial forces to remove fine particles suspended in air or gas.
Downdraft Tables (66 suppliers)
Downdraft tables are self-contained, portable filtration systems that remove harmful particulates and return filtered air.
Dust Collectors and Dust Collector Filters (758 suppliers)
Dust collectors are used in many processes to either recover valuable granular solid or powder from process streams or to remove granular solid pollutants from exhaust gases prior to venting to the atmosphere.
Electrostatic Precipitators (54 suppliers)
Electrostatic precipitators use electrostatic forces to separate dust particles from exhaust gases.
Extractor Arms (18 suppliers)
Extractor arms provide an efficient means of collecting or exhausting a variety of fumes and particulate from a point source when ducted to an integral air cleaner, dust collector, mist collector, fume collector, fan, or blower.
Fume and Smoke Collectors (63 suppliers)
Fume and smoke collectors remove very small particulates out of air which smoke and fumes are comprised of. The removal of these particulates is important for improving air quality and reducing unwanted odor.
Gas Flares (30 suppliers)
Gas flares, alternatively known as a flare stacks, are used to eliminate waste gas, which is released via pressure relief valve when needed to ease the strain on equipment.
HEPA Filters and ULPA Filters (155 suppliers)
High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters and ultra-low particulate air (ULPA) filters are designed to screen particles larger than 0.3 µm
Humidifiers (industrial) (172 suppliers)
Industrial humidifiers add moisture to warm, circulated air in order to protect furnishings and reduce static electricity.
Mist Collectors (310 suppliers)
Mist collectors reduce the amount of mist in the workplace atmosphere.
Scrubbers (383 suppliers)
Air scrubbers, wet scrubbers, and gas scrubbers are air pollution control devices that use a high-energy liquid spray to remove aerosol and gaseous pollutants from an air stream. The gases are removed either by absorption or chemical reaction.
Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Systems (70 suppliers)
Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems inject ammonia into boiler flue gas and pass it through a catalyst bed where the nitrogen oxide gas (NOx) and ammonia react to form nitrogen and water vapor.
Thermal Oxidizers and Catalytic Oxidizers (200 suppliers)
Thermal oxidizers and catalytic oxidizers are used to destroy volatile organic compounds (VOC) in process gases.
Vacuum Cleaners (327 suppliers)
Vacuum cleaners are capable of picking up large quantities of material and/or liquids. They can be portable devices or part of a central vacuum system.
Vapor Recovery Systems (33 suppliers)
Vapor recovery systems are designed to recover vapors from gasoline or other fuels so that these gases do not escape into the atmosphere. They are used in the chemical process and petroleum industries to recover escaped vapors for either reuse or destruction (usually by combustion).
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