Chapter 14: Types of Blueprints and Computer-Aided Design
Many different types of prints are used in industry. The type that is used most often shows a drawing of one part and includes all the information to make the part. Some of the other types of prints include assembly drawings, outline drawings, and circuit diagrams. Several of the types use symbols to illustrate specific items, and some prints may be identified as certain types of drawings. As an example, an installation drawing will probably be labeled, installation drawing. Many of the other types, however, may not be identified as a specific type of drawing. An outline drawing may not have the name outline anywhere on the print. Some parts may have the type as part of the name of the drawing. An assembly drawing may be called a subassembly or a final assembly in the title block. Some types of drawings may be called by other names; an outline drawing may be called an envelope drawing in some organizations or industries. Because of these differences, strict definitions for types of drawings will not be given. From a practical standpoint, some of the types can be used interchangeably. The purpose of each type of drawing is the same as the purpose of all prints: prints must provide all of the information that is needed to manufacture or construct a product. Different types of drawings help to illustrate the information in a form that is easier to understand. The main purpose of this chapter is to point out that there...