Total Organizational Excellence: Achieving World-Class Performance

Interpersonal relations FIRO-B and the Elements

The FIRO-B (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behaviour) is a powerful psychological instrument, which can be used to give valuable insights into the needs individuals bring to their relationships with other people. The instrument assesses needs for inclusion, control and openness and thereby offers a framework for understanding the dynamics of interpersonal relationships.

Use of the FIRO instrument helps individuals to be more aware of how they relate to others and to become more flexible in this behaviour. Consequently it enables people to build more productive teams through better working relationships.

Since its creation by William Schutz in the 1950s, to predict how military personnel would work together in groups, the FIRO-B instrument has been used throughout the world by managers and professionals to look at management and decision making styles. Through its ability to predict areas of probable tension and compatibility between individuals, the FIRO-B is a highly effective team building tool which can aid in the creation of the positive environment in which people thrive and achieve improvements in performance.

The theory underlying the FIRO-B incorporates ideas from the work of Adomo, Fromm and Bion and it was first fully described in Schutz s book, FIRO: A Three Dimensional Theory of Personal Behaviour (1958). In his more recent book The Human Element, Schutz developed the instrument into a series of elements , B, F, S, etc. and offers strategies for heightening our awareness of ourselves and others.

The FIRO-B takes the form of a...


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