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Memory Type:

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Cycle Time:

Supply Voltage:

JEDEC Standard Compatible?


Error Checking and Correction:

Help with Memory Modules specifications:

General Specifications
   Memory Type:       
   Your choices are...         
   RAM       Random access memory (RAM) can be read from or written to in a nonlinear manner. RAM derives its name from the fact that any byte of memory can be accessed randomly instead of sequentially. RAM does not retain data in memory when power is removed. 
   DRAM       Dynamic RAM (DRAM) stores each bit of data in a separate capacitor. DRAM derives its name from the fact that it must be refreshed periodically. Because of the way in which the memory cells are constructed, the reading action refreshes the contents of the memory. DRAM loses its data when the power supply is removed. 
   FPM RAM       Fast page mode (FPM) RAM does not require a row address if the data is located in the previously accessed row. An older form of RAM, FPM RAM is being replaced by newer technologies such as EDO RAM. 
   EDO RAM       Extended data out (EDO) RAM retrieves the next block of memory while sending the previous block to the CPU. EDO RAM is faster than FPM RAM and designed for bus speeds up to 66 MHz. 
   BEDO RAM       Burst extended data out (BEDO) RAM processes large blocks of data in an uninterrupted burst of smaller units. Each burst carries information about consecutive memory locations. BEDO RAM can handle four data elements in a single burst, enabling the last three elements to avoid the delays experienced by the first. BEDO RAM is suitable for bus speeds up to 66 MHz and can read data large blocks more quickly than EDO RAM. 
   SRAM       Static RAM (SRAM) is more expensive than DRAM, but faster and more reliable. Unlike DRAM, SRAM does not need to be refreshed constantly; SRAM is refreshed only when a write command is performed. SRAM is most commonly used in the L2 cache for PCs. There are two types of SRAM: synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous RAM is synchronized with the system clock. Asynchronous RAM is not. 
   L2 Cache       The level two (L2) cache is a memory area separate from both the level one (L1) cache and the CPU. Data searches begin in the L1 cache, move to the L2 cache, then to DRAM, and finally to physical storage. Data is transmitted from the processor chip into main memory though the L2 cache. The L2 cache uses SRAM and aligns memory access speeds with the speed of the CPU itself. 
   Asynchronous SRAM       Asynchronous static RAM (SRAM) is not synchronized with the system clock. It is slower than synchronous SRAM. 
   Synchronous SRAM       Synchronous SRAM is synchronized with the system clock. It is faster than asynchronous SRAM and provides speeds up to about 8.5 ns.  
   PB SRAM       Pipeline burst (PB) SRAM executes requests within a burst on a nearly instantaneous basis. PB SRAM is designed to work with bus speeds of 75 MHz and higher. 
   WRAM       Windows RAM (WRAM) is a dual-port RAM used exclusively in graphical displays. WRAM is similar to VRAM, but provides up to 25% more bandwidth. WRAM includes a double-buffering data system that is several times faster than VRAM, resulting in considerably faster screen refresh rates. 
   SGRAM       Synchronous graphics RAM (SGRAM) is a single-port RAM used primarily with video accelerator cards. To improve performance, a dual-bank feature opens two memory pages simultaneously. SGRAM is used in 3-D video technology because its block-feature speeds screen fills and allows fast memory clearing. Three-dimensional video requires extremely fast clearing, in the range of 30 to 40 times per second. 
   ROM       Read-only memory (ROM) contains pre-programmed data and either cannot be changed or requires a special operation to overwrite. ROM retains data in memory when power is removed. A photosensitive material is etched to hold the required bit pattern. 
   PROM       Programmable ROM (PROM) can be written to only once, after which the contents cannot be changed. 
   EPROM       Erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) is a type of PROM that can be erased through exposure to ultraviolet light and then reprogrammed.   
   MASK ROM       MASK ROM is a type of read-only memory (ROM) that can be programmed only once. Manufacturers that produce high volumes of semiconductors often use MASK ROM because it is the most cost-effective ROM available. 
   Other       Other unlisted memory types. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
   Form Factor:      The form factor of any memory module describes its size and pin configuration. Most computer systems have memory sockets that can accept only one form factor.
   Your choices are...         
   DIMM       Dual in-line memory module (DIMM) provides a 64-bit data path. DIMMs can perform the functions of two single in-line memory modules (SIMMs). Typically, Pentium® processors use a single DIMM instead of two SIMMs. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.      
   SO DIMM       Small outline, dual In-line memory modules (SO DIMM) are enhanced versions of standard DIMM. SO DIMMs are about half the length of a typical 72-pin SIMM. These compact DIMMs are used in mobile computing devices. SO DIMMs come in a variety of pin sizes and can be installed either singly to support 32-bit systems, or in pairs to support 64-bit systems.  
   uDIMM       Micro single inline memory module (uDIMM). 
   AIMM       Accelerated (or advanced) graphics ports (AGP) in-line memory modules (AIMM) allow the graphics controller to directly access texture map data from the main memory rather than having to move it to the graphic controllers' local memory first. This helps increase system speed for processing graphics and allows for a use of a larger portion of memory by "borrowing" storage for texture maps from main memory. 
   RIMM       Rambus inline memory modules (RIMM) are designed to install Rambus DRAM (RDRAM). 
   SO RIMM       Small outline Rambus inline memory modules (SORIMM) have a smaller profile that standard RIMMs and are used in laptop computers and systems that have strict size requirements. 
   SIMM       Single in-line memory module (SIMM) provides a 32-bit data path. Devices that require wider data paths, such as Pentium® processors, use a pair of SIMMs. Slower processors use a single SIMM. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. 
   Card       The memory is in a card configuration. 
   Other       Other unlisted form factor. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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Performance Specifications
   Capacity:       The amount of data that can be transmitted over a specific period of time. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Clock Speed:       Clock speed is the raw MHz that the CPU (Central Processor Unit) operates at. For example, an AMD Athlon 1GHz has an operating clock speed of 1000 MHz; this is the processor's clock speed. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Cycle Time:       The length of time it takes to transmit data expressed in terms of the minimum amount of time required for a memory to complete a cycle such as read, write, read/write, or read/modify/write. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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Power Characteristics
   Supply Voltage:       
   Your choices are...         
   -5 V       The chip operates with -5 volts. 
   -4.5 V       The chip operates with -4.5 volts. 
   -3.3 V       The chip operates with -3.3 volts. 
   -3 V       The chip operates with -3 volts. 
   1.2 V       The chip operates with 1.2 volts. 
   1.5 V       The chip operates with 1.5 volts. 
   1.8 V       The chip operates with 1.8 volts. 
   2.5 V       The chip operates with 2.5 volts. 
   2.7 V       The chip operates with 2.7 volts. 
   3 V       The chip operates with 3 volts. 
   3.3 V       The chip operates with 3.3 volts. 
   3.6 V       The chip operates with 3.6 volts. 
   5 V       The chip operates with 5 volts. 
   Other       Other unlisted supply voltages. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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General Features
   JEDEC Standard Compatible       Joint Electronic Devices Engineering Council (JEDEC) is an international body of Semiconductor manufacturers that set integrated circuit standards. 
   Search Logic:      "Required" and "Must Not Have" criteria limit returned matches as specified. Products with optional attributes will be returned for either choice.
   Radiation Tolerant       The device is radiation hardened or tolerant. 
   Search Logic:      "Required" and "Must Not Have" criteria limit returned matches as specified. Products with optional attributes will be returned for either choice.
   ESD Protection       Electrostatic Discharge Protection (ESD) is the dissipation of electricity. ESD can easily destroy semiconductor products, even when the discharge is too small to be felt. 
   Search Logic:      "Required" and "Must Not Have" criteria limit returned matches as specified. Products with optional attributes will be returned for either choice.
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Applications and Features
   Your choices are...         
   Personal Computing       The memory may be used in a personal computer. 
   Motherboards and RAID Cards       The memory is meant to expand the memory of motherboards or RAID cards. 
   Digital Electronics       The memory may be used in digital electronics like cameras. 
   Servers and Networking       The memory is meant to expand the capacity of servers and other network components. 
   Printers and Imaging       The memory is meant to expand the capacity of printers and imaging components. 
   Other       Other unlisted application type. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
   Error Checking and Correction       
   Your choices are...         
   Parity       As data moves through a computer (e.g. from the CPU to the main Memory), the possibility of errors can occur, particularly in older 386 and 486 machines. Parity error detection was developed to notify the user of any data errors. By adding a single bit to each byte of data, this bit is responsible for checking the integrity of the other 8 bits while the byte is moved or stored. Once a single-bit error is detected, the user receives an error notification; however, parity checking only notifies, and does not correct a failed data bit. If your SIMM module has 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, or 36 chips then it is more than likely parity. 
   Error Checking Parity       Error checking and correction (ECC) modules have an extra chip that detects if the data was correctly read or written by the memory module. If the data wasn't properly written, the extra chip will correct it in many cases (depending on what type of error). 
   Nonparity       Non-parity (also called non-ECC) modules do not have an error-detecting feature. 
   Search Logic:      Products with the selected attribute will be returned as matches. Leaving or selecting "No Preference" will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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