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Specialty and Other Pins:

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Diameter / Size:



Help with Specialty Pins specifications:

Pin Type
   Specialty and Other Pins       
   Your choices are...         
   Ejector Pin       Ejector pins are small pins that are used to push or eject a part or material. 
   Expanding Diameter Pin       Expanding diameter pins have a clearance fit in their relaxed state, and segments that spread when a cam is actuated to provide a snug fit. They can be easily installed and removed. 
   Pivot / Hinge Pin       Pivot pins are used to attach two pivoting or hinged components. 
   Powered       Powered pins are devices that are mechanically actuated from an electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic source of energy.   
   Shear Pin       Shear pins are designed to break if the fastened members move, under stress, in opposite parallel directions to their mating surfaces. 
   Weld Pin       Weld pins are designed to be welded into place. 
   Other       Other unlisted or proprietary pin types. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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   English or Metric      Unit designation for O.D., I.D., etc.
   Your choices are...         
   English       Units are inches (in) or fractions of an inch. 
   Metric       Units are millimeters (mm) or centimeters (cm). 
   Search Logic:      Products with the selected attribute will be returned as matches. Leaving or selecting "No Preference" will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
   Diameter / Size       The nominal diameter of the pin. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Length       The length of the pin. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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   Your choices are...         
   Plastic       Plastics are organic, synthetic, or processed materials that are mostly thermoplastic or thermosetting polymers of high molecular weight. They can be made into objects, films, or filaments. 
   Steel, Hardened and Ground       Pins are made of hardened and ground steel. Steel may be hardened in a number of ways. These include a variety of quenching techniques in oil and water, being passed through induction chambers, etc. Cooling steel quickly during processing freezes, traps, and packs the carbon atoms inside the shrunken iron crystals, thereby producing a very hard and brittle metal. Although this material is very hard, it cannot absorb much shock or impact without breaking. 
   Steel, Unhardened       Pins are made of unhardened steel. By definition, steel is a commercial iron that contains carbon in any amount up to about 1.7 % as an essential alloying constituent. Steel is malleable when under suitable conditions, and is distinguished from cast iron by both its malleability and lower carbon content. 
   Stainless Steel       Stainless steel is chemical-resistant and corrosion-resistant, and can have relatively high pressure ratings. 
   Other       Other unlisted or proprietary materials. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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Hartford Technologies, Inc.
Hartford Technologies, Inc.