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Baker maintains an unparalleled passion for helping our customers advance science, discovery, and clinical care.
The people of Baker have built that reputation by taking no chances with customers safety and making no compromises when it comes to protecting the success of your research. Bakers laboratory products are built to order with precision craftsmanship and designed expressly for your unique application need. Our rigorous testing protocols go above and beyond what the average user would ever encounter and our quality control measures exceed industry standards. Our commitment to sustainable business practices and the development of a new generation of energy efficient products ensures that you — and your budget — will be pleased.
SafeGARD captures those solutions designed to protect people, their work, and/or the environment. Through innovation and collaboration with customers we develop truly revolutionary technology in biocontainment and contamination control, for a wide variety of industries and applications. That spirit continues, as standard products may be modified to meet the specific needs of our customers while new technology is developed to meet emerging needs in biosafety and biocontainment.
An area of evolution and expansion. Both Baker and Baker Ruskinn supply solutions for an exploding global cell culture market. The Baker Ruskinn brand is recognized globally for delivering solutions in where precise control of the environment is required.
We work with and listen to our customers to understand their functional requirements and translate those requirements into a design specification, calling upon 60+ years of engineering "know-how" and manufacturing expertise to turn a conceptual idea into a real solution. We aim to forge partnerships with other commercial brands who share a similar passion for advancing science and clinical care so that together we may supply our customers with an optimal tool set for their work.
From aligning ourselves with industry leading experts, Baker has a strong understanding of the wider industry and the complex problems our customers face. The long-term relationships with academic and industry partners who are making ground breaking discoveries in science and clinical care collaborate with Baker to create the best tools for the job.
Recognized as the industry pioneer, The Baker Company maintains an unparalleled passion for helping our customers advance science, discovery, and clinical care. With a Science Director based in Sanford, ME, Baker carry out their own hands-on laboratory research to help develop relevant tools for end users.