Radyne Induction Wire Heating
Featured Product from Inductotherm Group

Induction power supplies are available ranging from 40kW to 400kW at operating frequencies from 3kHz to 3.9MHz, depending on the application. Similarly, induction coils are available in lengths ranging from 2" to 80", as required.
There are many applications calling for single wire induction heating and these include the following:
• Hot Drawing
• Conform
• Cladding
• Tempering and Austempering
• Pre-heating
• Low Relaxation of PSC Wire or Cable.
A typical single wire heating module will consist of a Radyne 400kW / 10kHz TFN series induction power unit supplying power to a 4000mm coil. The above unit is supplied complete with a control console together with closed-loop temperature control and a water re-circulating cooling system.