Microchip low inductance SiC MOSFET power modules
Featured Product from Richardson RFPD
Microchip's SP6LI extremely low inductance silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET power modules from Richardson RFPD feature phase leg topology ranking from 700 volts (V), 538A to 1200 volts (V), 394 amperes (A) to 754 A at a case temperature (Tc) of 80 degrees Celsius. Offering higher power density and a compact form factor, the new package enables lower quantity of modules in parallel to achieve complete systems, helping customers to further downsize their equipment.
- Extremely low stray inductance <2.9 nanohenry
- Extremely low RDS(on) - down to 2.1 mΩ per switch
- Optimized layout for multi-SiC MOSFET and diode chips assembly in phase leg topology
- Symmetrical design to accept up to 12 SiC MOSFET chips in parallel per switch
- All die in parallel with their own gate series resistor for homogenous current balancing
- High current capability up to 641 A at very fast switching frequency; and
- Optional mix of assembly materials to better address different markets and applications.
Unlock the full potential of SiC
Microchip's Accelerated Silicon Carbide Development Kit includes all the hardware and software elements required to rapidly optimize the performance of the Microchip family of SP6LI Low Inductance SiC modules and systems. This new tool enables designers to adjust system performance through software entries using the AgileSwitch® Intelligent Configuration Tool (ICT) and a Device Programmer. No soldering required.
Each kit includes an SP6LI module, gate driver board, mounting hardware, programmer, cables and a link to the ICT, allowing you to start double pulse testing right out of the box.