Products/Services for Lead Reverb Furnaces

  • Furnaces (industrial)-Image
    Furnaces (industrial) - (450 companies)
    Industrial furnaces are built of several kinds of high temperature (refractory) materials to hold the process material and hold in the heat without breaking down during the several months that they usually run. General specifications...
  • Furnace Controllers-Image
    Furnace Controllers - (69 companies)
    Furnace controllers are used to control temperature, heat delivery, and other variables in industrial furnaces. They control the burner flame, air mixture and trim to maintain and optimize furnace performance. Furnace controllers are used to control...
  • Heating Furnaces-Image
    Heating Furnaces - (212 companies)
    Heating furnaces convert gas, oil, electricity or other fuels into heat for distribution within a structure. They are the central heating devices within HVAC systems. Heating furnaces convert gas, oil, electricity, or other fuels into heat...
  • Laboratory Furnaces-Image
    Laboratory Furnaces - (148 companies)
    Laboratory furnaces provide continuous heating to process samples and materials. They are generally built from high temperature (refractory) materials so that they can maintain high temperatures without breaking down. Often, laboratory furnaces...
    Lead Screws and ACME Screws - (67 companies)
    Description. Lead screws and ACME screws are used to drive a nut in linear motion via direct contact between the screw and the nut. Lead screws usually incorporate proprietary screw and nut geometries and materials, and can be configured...
    Vacuum Furnaces - (101 companies)
    Vacuum furnaces are heat-treating furnaces that use a low atmospheric pressure instead of a protective gas atmosphere. This helps to alleviate surface reactions. In vacuum furnaces the heat-treating process takes place inside an airtight vessel...
    Lead Acid Batteries - (387 companies)
    Lead acid batteries are made up of plates, lead, and lead oxide with a 35% sulfuric acid and 65% water electrolyte solution. Lead acid batteries are rechargeable batteries consisting of lead plates with a sulfuric acid/water electrolyte solution...
    Lead, Tin, and Low Melting Alloys - (123 companies)
    How to Select Lead, Tin, and Low Melting Alloys. Lead, tin, and low melting alloys are non-ferrous alloys that are easily meltable with relatively low melting temperatures. They are used in the manufacture of solders, semiconductors, batteries...
    Transformers - (2105 companies)
    ...and to improve the safety of existing waste. Although RoHS is often referred to as a "lead-free" directive, it actually restricts the use of lead and five other hazardous chemicals: mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls...
    Igniters - (81 companies)
    Igniters are used to deliver ignition solutions to boilers, furnaces, burners, dryers, and other heat sources. Types of Igniters. There are several types of igniters. Examples include furnace igniters, forced heater igniters, igniters for pellet...

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