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  • Dewatering Solutions for Paper Mills
    Dewatering fabric on a paper machine consumes energy to physically remove particles of water. If the vacuum pump is worn and airflow is down to 60% of original, energy and pump seal water is wasted and the white water must be removed thermally from the paper with steam in the dryer section
  • Efficiency Through Indirect Measures (.pdf)
    While it is important to consider the direct efficiency parameters of a pump, such as the amount of product pumped per unit energy consumed, considerations should include the indirect efficiency consequences of pump technology selection. The issues of periphery services to the pump-such as seal
  • Outsourcing Biopharma Water Treatment
    and membrane sanitization and cleaning, replacing normal wear-and-tear components such as pump seals, ultraviolet (UV) lamps and cartridge filter elements. Emergency service is available as part of the contract. Other services include: facility audits that evaluate current water treatment
  • Calculating the Effects of Water Hammer & Pulsations
    Quick closing valves, positive displacement pumps, and vertical pipe runs can create damaging pressure spikes, leading to blown diaphragms, seals and gaskets also destroyed meters and gauges.
  • The Case for Vacuum Boosters, and the Case for Tuthill
    it is placed in series with another vacuum pump. The booster then provides higher pumping capacity and lower pressures typically at lower cost and power consumption. The backing pump can be an oil-sealed piston or vane pump, a liquid ring pump sealed with a variety of different sealants from water
    pump instead of a standard water-cooled and mechanically sealed pump to manage the high temperature and pressure. Enter Chromalox.
  • Choosing a High Temperature Steam Resistant Elastomer
    The materials used to create seals must withstand, both physically and chemically, the extreme conditions in which they are increasingly being utilized. There are limited options for sealing with elastomers in hot water or steam environments in temperatures up to 550°F (288°C). Most elastomers

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